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Dear Reader,

I am unpublishing my novels from Wattpad as I will be publishing and selling them online on my website at www DOT tjpcampbell DOT com and through various booksellers (Amazon and Smashwords etc). I will be selling through the Bookanory Publishing House ISBN imprint.

I will probably leave the novel's description (blurb) and the first 2 or 3 chapters up.

It should be free for an initial period of time. Hopefully you might strongly consider writing and publishing a review of it, and answering the following a very simple question:

Which one of the following four reasons mainly influenced your request:

1. Author

2. Book Cover

3. Book Description

4. I have heard good things about this book!

I will give some hints on how to do an honest review (which can be good, bad or indifferent).

You do not have to give a review though. It is completely optional even if you get the book free. It will simply help me get off the mark as hopefully my novels will be of a high publishable quality and a review might reflect that.

Note this quote from the online source:

"Here is some sample phrasing that you can use or modify if you are writing a review, or use as suggestions if asking others to write a review for your book.

1. In the subject line: I received a [Free Book for an optional] objective review.

2. I received a copy of this book via [name of source, i.e. Netgalley, Edelweiss, the publisher, author] and I'm reviewing it voluntarily.

3. I wrote this review based on an advance reading copy (iBooks) that the publisher sent me.

4. This review was based on a complimentary pre-release copy.

Knowing that someone reading an "author-encouraged review" might discount its value, some people will add an additional comment (if true), such as:

· I've since bought 2 more, one Kindle version for myself and a paperback for ....

· That said, I liked it so much that I bought...


Okay. Many thanks to all wattpad readers!

T. J. P. Campbell.

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