Special Halloween Chappie!!

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Hello peples! ^_^ This a special chapter!! :3 Also, Happy Belated Birthday to 12291ljm-san!! :3 Hope y'all love this chappie~


This chapter has different endings, each for dem boys! ;) And I was high when I wrote this so bear with me... Rawr. Lol hahaha, get it?! I'm hiiigh! Weeeeeee! Lol! Anyways!!! This chappie will be short! Sowwy! ;^; for the highness.


Third POV

It was halloween! You and the gangs are trick or treatin'! What else could be more fun? You can see those guys in their sexy costumes ;).

You dressed up as Alice in Wonderland. Yes, the blonde girl wearing a weird blue and white maif outfit, black shoes and a headband... Who fell in a hole. You were dressed up as her.

"Ugh... Why do I have to wear this weird girly maid outfit?" You groaned, pulling he dress down.

"Awww, (y/n)! You're the one who did this to yourself~!"


"Hey guys! Halloween is 2 days away! I have an idea!" Maka said, happy as ever.

"What?" Dante responded, energetic like her.

"We'll pick our costumes from this box!!" She said, taking out a small box

"Cool." Mumbled, of course, Soul

"A God will not back down!" Said the "Almighty" Black*Star

You all agreed and started picking costumes.

~FlashBack Ends~

"Ugh..." Again, you groaned,

"Don't you love it? We match!" Dante said, posing, showing his costume as the rabbit in the movie.

"Sure, sure, Mr. Rabbit." You teases, flicking fake rabbit ears.

"Whatever, Alice." He tried saying in a british accent.... Emphasize on the word TRIED

The doorbell rang, and you two answered it. The door revealed the gang, in there silly (HOT) costumes.

Kid was dressed up as a "Symmetrical Vampire". He was o so hot. His fangs showed when he smiled, his paler skin made his golden orbs more captivating. He also had a "bite mark" on his neck.

'Oh my god... Hotness overload!!!' You thought, holding back your drool.

"Hey (Y/n), nice costume." He said, givin you a hot smile, makin heat rise to your face.

"Y-You too." You stuttered,

"Hi (Y/n)." Greeted Soul, with a smile, showing his sharp teeth which totally matched with his Zombie Costume. He had tattered clothes on, some fake blood on his clothes and body and a fake wound on his arms. For short, he looked cool.

You smiled back, "Hey there, deadman."

"H-Hi (y-y/n)..." Crona stuttered, givin off a shy smile. He was dressed as a mummy, an adorable mummy to be more specific. He was wrapped by some cloth and only his eyes and mouth can be seen. He was blushing, looking at you thinkin you were so adorable, but of course! Thanks to the cloth, his blush wasn't noticeable.

"Hi mummy!" You giggled, making the guys blush.

And of course, wanting your attention, "Heyyy (y/n)!" Greeted, none other than, the 'Almighty Black*Star'. His costume was a werewolf, kind of reflecting on his personality. Upbeat.  He smiled goofily to you. He was shirtless, with few wolf hair fx and his teeth were sharp but not as sharp as Soul's. His long shorts had a few rips in them. And damn, how hot he was having abs at a young age...

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