Special Valentine Chapter ♡♥♡♥

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I'm gonna try to make this hilarious and funny... Uhh, I mean romantic hahah.Sorry I haven't update still. :(( I have little access to my laptop. But I'm almost finished!
Dante's POV

It was the day before valentine's day! And alot of girls in Shibusen, kouhai and senpai, confessed to me. Surprisingly, I got alot of chocolates as well and flowers. Love letters filled my locker to the point that when I opened it, I was bombarded by those letters of love. It wasn't even the day itself.

(Y/n) however, recieved a lot of confessions, but none of the, are the guys she loves. Honestly, I knew those guys loved her back but why didn't they confess?

I sighed, sneaking in class so my fangirls won't give me death hugs. I entered the classroom with (Y/n) beamin with joy. "Why so happy?" I asked, and she answered, "Lord Death assigned us to a special mission with the gang! I'm just so excited! This is my first time to work with people in a mission!"

Soul came from behind andlaid a hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder which surprised her, makin her jump slightly. She turned around, astonished and curious who that person was. Her (e/c) colors met with his red ones like in those typical love stories.

"Soul! You scared there for a moment." She chirped, as the albino began blushing.

"Uh-eh... Sorry about that."

"Do you need anything?" She asked, giving her usual smile.

"Uh... I was wondering... If... After the mission..." He started and I internally squeeled. 'OH MY GOD (Y/N) HE'S GONNA DO IT'

"Well... Uhm..." He began stuttering which was really uncool.

"Spit out man!" My cousin shouted,

"Will you--" He was cut off by one of his rivals.

"(Y/n)! Hey, I need to tell you something important!" The ravenet shouted, seeing the woman he loves in his field of vision.

I laughed silently, pitying Soul for getting interrupted.

"Oh, okay! Can you hold that thought until I get back, Soul?" She asked and Soul nodded with his lips curving.

(H/c)ette left with Kid and left Soul. I rubbed Soul's back in comfort as he sat down beside me. I heard him whisper, "Yeah, sure. I'll hold on to that thought... But I'm afraid if somebody asks it first, you'll say yes when  didn't even get a try."


Excitement filled me as I bid Soul goodbye and followed the two love birds. They stood outside of Shibusen which (Y/n) questioned. Secretly, I watched Kid stutter like Soul. 'Oh boy... This isn't going to end well.'

"Well (Y/n).As you know, it's really been a long time and... I--" He was cut off by Black*Star jumping down. "Hey (Y/n)! Good timing! I need to show you something really important! You'll love it!!" He said smiling from ear to ear.

"Ahh, hold that for a moment, Kid. Tell that to me later~" my cousing ran with Black*Star's hand tangled with hers.

Kid sighed, sitting on the floor. Soon, I saw a banner with (f/c) balloons at the side making it go up. As the banner flew up, I read the words on it. "Will you be my, symmetrical angel?" I read out loud.

I fanboyed inside, "Kid, that was sweet of you." I said, smiling at the soon-to-be Death God.

He looked at me with a hopeles smile. "Damn... I wish I'd chosen a better place so there won't be any interruptions for my love cofession. "

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