Author's Note

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Sorry guys! Wattpad won't work on my tab. It would hang everytime I open the part... Sorry!!! But I'll try and update as much as possible!! And I love you guys so much!!! You guys are so nice!! and cool!! Thank you for the votes and lovely comments! <3

And, uhh... I don't kniw what to do with Dante. Do you guys wanthimto be paired with someone..?? Tsubaki, perhaps? Or you guys want one reader, I'll get your OC and put her here and pair her up with Dante...?  Errr, or you want him to be single?? You guys choose. :3 Hmm, what else?? How'd you guys liked the story so far? Which of dem hot boys are making your heat beat the fastest?

Annnddd... Do you guys want me to make Special Chapters? Example: Random Facts about Dante or Water Island Madness. And stuff like that! Basta, there's something special in it ;) Haha, Gwyn out.

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