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Once I got on stage, I felt at peace. There was no constant worry about forgetting or falling off the stage. Seeing my family in the front row cheering me on made me feel at rest.

Ariana picked up on that and it made her feel good I think. She kept smiling at me and eyeing me. Other days, I would mind it but today I feel loved.

After the show, we met up with my parents. Ariana and I decided to go and spend the night at my childhood home. Danielle came too which Ariana didn't seem to care for.

We all sat on the sofa to catch up. Ariana and Danielle sat next to me.

"So how's touring?" My mom asked

"At first I was super nervous, but now I feel as if its home." I smile

"I'm so glad you're enjoying it. Ariana says that you're unbeatable." My mom grins

"Who can beat Arielle? Literally a force in the dance world." Danielle says.

"This isn't build up Arielle's ego time. I wanna hear about y'all. How is everyone? What have y'all been up to?"

"Well your dad and I were able to catch up on bills and get some repairs on the house with the money you've sent." My mom said with a genuine smile which passed along to me.

It made me super happy when she could genuinely smile.

She hasn't in years.

"I made Captain of my cheerleading team." Danielle says.

"Really? You've wanted that since high school."

"Yeah. I just wished I could've told you when it happened." She mumbles.

Then I felt that pang of guilt. I just "upped and left" without a trace even when that wasn't the true and full story.

"Why don't you have your original phone? I hid behind the garbage can for ten minutes and I called and called for it to go straight to voicemail. I even looked for you in the movie theatre for almost an hour."

So it wasn't her who ran out that night.

"Why didn't you tell me you were leaving that night? Why did you make me go out with you just to ditch me for your 'dream'" I can sense all the bitterness and sadness in her voice.

"I wanted my last moments with you to be positive. You knew we didn't speak or hangout because we had our dance and cheer lives in the way. I didn't even know I was leaving that night."

That part was true.

"Everything was confidential for a little while and I had to stay low for a bit until the dream was in action. I'm sorry and I wish all of this could've came out better."

Danielle seemed a bit uneasy about the information I just left her with. She seemed to believe and not believe me at the same time. Best friends can sense it.

"I can't believe your dream made it so easy to leave all of us behind." Danielle spat

Why was she so bitter all of a sudden?

"I did this for me and my family Dani! You knew how much we struggled to make ends meet! If it could've went different, YES I would have done it differently but I can't! You wouldn't do the same if it was a national cheer team?! Why are you suddenly so bitter?" I say with tears prickling my eyes.

"Because it was so easy for you to leave and to come back. You could've at least left me with a goodbye. I would've at least said goodbye." She says with tears cascading down her face.

She gets up and goes straight to the dining room. I get up and follow her. She was standing at the window with her arms crossed.

"I didn't mean to hurt you Dani. I swear." I whisper and her eyes snap to me.

50 Shades of ArianaWhere stories live. Discover now