Chapter 8: Girls day! And the Alience?

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Christina P.O.V.

    'Ugh, I can't believe him! Why does he love her, I'm prettier one she should be the one leaving' I was leaving the WDW house Corbyn had just kicked me out for reasons I don't understand when I heard a loud thump then someone say oww. "W- who's there?" I asked stuttering it was probably some fan trying to break in, that happens a lot because of the boys fame. When I saw who it was my jaw dropped Jake Paul!?'

"Don't tell anyone I was here!" He said to me coming closer.

"Why were you here in the first place?" I asked looking at him leaning back, I was known to be the sassy type.

"First tell me why you aren't inside with your precious boy band" he said making a fan girl sounding voice on precious boy band making me giggle. "I know your not coming back because you have a bookbag on" he said.

"Fine, I was kicked out of the house because of that hoe upstairs" I told him getting angry.

"Wait you mean Y/N?" He said looking at me.

"Yeah? How do you know her?" I asked.

"I've been trying to kidnap her, that's why I was here at there house." He said rubbing his neck.

"That won't work surly Corbyn will just find you, you need a more thought out plan. What are you going to do with her anyway?" I said hoping it was pain and tourcher.

"I was going to take her and force her to have sex, then use her to do whatever I want haha just like old times." Jake laughed.

I was scared but then I smiled evilly 'this will be my revenge' "I want in" I said.

"What!? What do you have against them?" He said confused

"Everything," I said in a soft angry whisper loud enough for him to hear. "Now you let me help you or else I call the cops. Do you really want that?" I asked with an evil smirk. While Jake just stared at me before smirking to.

"Your one of those bitch's aren't you?" He laughed I only stared at him angrily, "I like that in a girl, I'm in." Jake said I smiled.


Y/N P.O.V.

    I woke up this morning feeling someone next to me, I have this weird talent where I remember and can distinctly tell who someone is by their smell. If you spray two people with the same type of perfume I can tell the difference with the snap of a finger. I took a deep breath in 'Corbyn' I smiled to myself happily then frowned letting my depression thoughts take over, 'I don't deserve him. Why would he ever like a girl like me? All I am is a fat ugly and depressed, it's all everyone has ever said to me. Until Corbyn kidnapped me and all I got was love and affection from them since I arrived.' 

While I was cuddling with Corbyn I heard the door slammed open and In came the girl from yesterday, Tate. "GET UP COMMON WE HAVE A LOT TO DO TODAY!!!" I figured that was to Corbyn so I just stayed in bed while he rolled over and groaned taking me with him me not caring though. "What are you doing Y/N? Get up." Tate said I was confused didn't she hate me like Christina? "Ugh, Corbyn get your girlfriend up!" I shot up with Corbyn wide eyed we looked at each other and then started to laugh awkwardly while blushing.

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