Chapter 24: Wait...

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Christen P.O.V.

After our dates with each other we went home. Corbyn was acting weird so we were going to question him when we got home.

When we pulled into the driveway we saw Y/N's car was still gone. But we had left an hour before to go ice skating.

We walked in and heard laughing from upstairs. When I did I saw Corbyn tied to a chair with Christina. His eyes where no longer grey and he finally showed emotion. We all listen to the conversation.

Christina laughed, "I bet you regret dumping me now." She backhanded him hard across the face. "It's pathetic too" she paused looking at the photos on his phone, "I didn't want to hurt her."

Corbyn's eyes went wide, "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!" he shouted at Christina.

She slapped him again, "It's not what I did, it's what you did!"

"What?" Corbyn asked.

Christina showed him a video. "While Jake was mind controlling you, I set up a video. She saw YOU cheat on her, she saw YOU letting me have sex with you." She smiled.

Corbyn started to tear up, "No! I didn't cheat, I love her!"

Christina practically had steam out of the ears as she stepped closer to Corbyn. That's when I noticed something on her knuckles. It was a brass knuckle, used for fighting.

She hit him right in the throat, he coughed up blood and started to wheeze and gasp.

That's when we had enough, Jonah burst through the door. "GET OUT OF HERE CHRISTINA, YOUR NOT WELCOMED HERE!" she looked taken aback.

"You'll never find her now!" Christina laughed and jumped out the window.

We ran to Corbyn. He needed to go to the hospital, we called 911 when we made it to the hospital they put Corbyn in surgery.

We all knew that Christina was right, we were never going to find Y/N.

But we did know that Corbyn and Y/N where still mates. Because even though his tattoo was grey. The tattoo was still there.

This is the end of the book, but I said there was a surprise.

Alright the surprise is...

New update tomorrow, so add this book to ur libraries. I'll post the news tomorrow. Tell me how you liked it. BYE BABES

"Don't Deserve You" A Corbyn Besson Fanfic (Completed, Part 2 out now)Where stories live. Discover now