Chapter 13: Playing With the Elements

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Y/N's P.O.V.

I flew away from the house and out to the woods. I needed to figure out how to change back into my normal self.

I sat on a nearby log and tried to change, but emotions where flooding in.

As I kept trying I heard a rustle in the woods. I stood up ready to protect myself when Corbyn emerged from the woods. I let out a sigh and sat back down on the rotting wood. He came over and sat next to me without a word.

"What's wrong?" Corbyn asked. His voice was... different. Instead of its normal high pitched voice, it was deeper.

I sniffed, "I'm just so overwhelmed with all of this. I just found out that I am a werewolf. I'm not even who I thought I was." I started to cry again, I put my head on Corbyn's shoulder and took a breath of his sent. I always calmed down when I smelled him.

When I did though I was horrified, it wasn't Corbyn's smell I was smelling... It was Jakes!

I froze not knowing what to do. I shot up but stayed seated on the log. I heard a chuckle. I looked over to see Corbyn, or Jake. He stood up and whistled. Within seconds team 10 came out of the dark woods. Fangs out, THEY WERE VAMPIRES!!

I growled and hissed, my k9's now revealed. My form changing into that red demon.

"Finally..." Jake started staring at me as if I were a deer. "Your mine!" With that he snapped his fingers, Chance and Anthony came running towards me full speed.

Anthony swung his arm at my head I ducked and backed away. Overwhelmed I kept dodging the punches, moving backwards as I did. Not daring to use my powers. I was finally cornered against a tree. Punches being layed on my body everywhere. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jake smirking. I have never been as mad as I was in that moment. He was always using me! Well no more!

I grabbed Chances arm before it could hit me. Letting out a loud growl I threw both of them off of me and into a nearby tree. Jakes smile turned into an angry frown as he snapped his fingers for the other three to attack me.

I let my anger take over. Throwing punch after punch my form changing from red to green, to gray and blue. I tried to stop, but I couldn't. I was cornered again, they all jumped at the same time. I crouched down, closed my eyes, and put my hands out to protect my face. I braced for the impact, but it never came. I opened one eye to see I was covered in a ball of green leaves and branches with a mixture of bright colored flowers. I didn't have any time to process anything before there was a howl, then some growls following it. I made the field go away to see what was happening.

I saw 3 wolves and 2 vampires fighting of Jake and his team. The were so beautiful and I knew by their scent they where the boys.



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"Don't Deserve You" A Corbyn Besson Fanfic (Completed, Part 2 out now)Where stories live. Discover now