Chapter 9: The Secrets Out!?

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Y/N P.O.V.

    I woke up to a strong pair of arms gripping onto me I looked to see Corbyn, I smiled to myself as I cuddled into him. He cuddled into me even more tangling our legs together inhaling my scent.

"Good morning baby" Corbyn said kissing my head causing me to smile even bigger and brighter at his touch.

"Good morning" I said pecking his lips him now smiling like crazy.

I got up and went to brush out my hair then went downstairs to start breakfast. When I was mixing the batter Corbyn came down the stairs and cuddled me from behind burying his head in my neck, again inhaling my scent.

"When are we going to tell everyone about us dating? And what about the fans?" Corbyn asked. I thought for a moment, 'when should we tell them?' I knew that the boys and the girls wouldn't hate me if I was dating Corbyn and he's my mate anyway. The fans though, I don't feel I should tell them. They don't even know I'm Jonah's sister! What will they think of me? How will they see me? What about my parents? They are still out there.

"We can tell them over breakfast but I really don't want to tell your fans just yet. I'm still trying to get used to this place." I told him he smiled widely and hugged me, me hugging back of course.

"Of course, whatever you want." Corbyn said making me blush not knowing why.

"Now stop being all cheesy and cute and make yourself useful and help me stir this waffle mix" I told him handing him the bowl and walking over to start the waffle maker.

"Yes ma'am" he said saluting causing me to giggle, and him to chuckle.

-At the table-

    Everyone was sitting at the table anxiously waiting to start digging into the food I made. Corbyn and I brought out the food, I gave a simple head nod and immediately they all started to dig in making me laugh to myself. I only had an apple, Corbyn looked at me with a questioned look.

"Why are you not eating the waffles?" He whispered in my ear so I wouldn't be embarrassed.

"I'm not that hungry" I simply replied taking a tiny bite out of the apple in my hand. Corbyn wasn't buying it though, he just shrugged, but I knew that he was just going to bug me about it later.

"Ok guys so Y/N and I need to tell you something important" Corbyn said looking at me smiling with me returning it.

"I CALLED IT GIVE ME MY MONEY ZACH!!!" Shouted Jack out of nowhere. This made me a bit pissed did they actually place a bet on this? What was there to place a bet on?

"Dude there's no way let them say what they need too" Zach told him clearly seeing that I was pissed off at this.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! What was the bet!?" I asked giving them a major glar, I'm sure everyone could tell that it was pissing me off.

"When you and Corbyn where upstairs and never came back down we both made a bet on what we thought you two were doing." Jack chuckled nervously with me still being angry.

"And um I said that you guys were just watching a movie and hanging out together. And Jack said that you guys where having um sex and that you where pregnant." Zach said looking down immediately after finishing, while I looked at them blankly processing what they told me.

"Y/N? It's ok" Corbyn said grabbing my hand and looking at me giving me a soft smile which I returned.

I sighed "ok fine but whatever you bet I get." I told them and they stared at me in shock.

"WHAT!? That's no fair!!" They both wined but I only gave them a glare and they stopped complaining and agreed

"Ok I'm good now, we can tell them" I told Corbyn smiling, he grabbed my hand and we both looked at them

"Don't Deserve You" A Corbyn Besson Fanfic (Completed, Part 2 out now)Where stories live. Discover now