Chapter 5: Kidnapped

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Y/N P.O.V.

    "Hershey!?" I asked hoping it was him and nervous.

"Teddy Bear!?" Jonah said standing, tearing up a little while I had tears already falling down my face.

"It's you! It's really you!" Jonah shouted coming over to hug me.

I hugged back as we slowly fell to the ground. "I knew it, you looked so much like her I was just scared to ask." Jonah said hugging me tighter.

"I did too you look a lot like you did when you were 4." I said smile a little with tears still streaming down my face onto Jonah's shirt.

"Can someone please tell me what is going on?" Daniel said causing Jonah and I to stand up together and look at them.

"Ok" I said taking a breath while wiping my tears.

"Well um guys this is my sister Y/N." Jonah said as we looked at each other and slightly laughed for no reason.

"Um Jonah you only have one siblings right?" Daniel said waiting for an explanation like everyone else.

*Sigh* "When I was about 4 and Y/N was 3 there was a group of men taking kids from there yards all around Minnesota. They were on a rampage they had about 23 kids when they finished including Y/N." Jonah said pausing "Y/N and I where outside playing close to our sidewalk where they... they came for me." Jonah said tearing up.

I put my hand on his back to comfort him he just hugged me and cried I looked at the boys and they had tears in their eyes. The whole two days I've been here I know Jonah is not the type of guy to cry like he was now.

"I saw the man come up to Jonah and knew what was going to happen. I couldn't let him be taken, so I quickly pushed Jonah out of the way and was grabbed by the arms and throne into the van with the other 22 children." I said tearing up. "We were right on the edge of town so they rode with all the children including me out of town. I knew I couldn't let those kids get hurt so I... I killed just about every person that took us there, I got everyone out of the car but one guy woke up. Apparently I didn't kill him he was shot in the leg and passed out, so he grabbed me and illegally 'adopted' me. That's when the rape, abuse, suicidal thoughts, and depression began." I finished this time Jonah rubbing my back and me springing to sob into his arms.

"I saw that story everyone thought you were dead there were signs everywhere saying how you where a huge hero." Jack told us.

"How did you figure out how to work a gun or even come up with the idea too?" Zach said looking at me.

"I guess that's how I reacted." I told him going back to giving Jonah a hug.

"Sh sh, it's ok, you're ok." Jonah said comforting me.

We stayed like that until I wiped my tears and released myself from the hug 'gosh I missed this' I thought to myself.

The boys came up to me and hugged Jonah and I then Jonah hugged me with the rest of the boys

"Haha ok, ok you guys smell take a bath." I said wiping the air around my nose away from it.

"Haha very funny Y/N." Corbyn said in a sarcastic way giving me a smile and picking me up, my stomach was filled with butterflies.

"Hey put me down!" I said while laughing

"I'm just doing what you said..." Corbyn said stopping at the edge of the pool "Taking a bath" He said with a smirk jumping in.

Before I could say anything. When we both came up we started laughing like crazy.

"CORBYN" I yelled but started laughing after

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