Chapter 1: Taken

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Y/N P.O.V (Point Of View)

It was a beautiful October morning in L.A, kids were laughing while talking to their friends and everyone was happy during the beautiful morning. Everyone except me. Now I know what your thinking 'oh why not it sounds like a nice day' or 'She's probably just upset from something that happened earlier that day and she'll be all better soon.' Well your wrong, I am always sad, weak, and scared that people may hurt me or even rape me again I could be found by those who have already hurt me. I never get enough sleep, four hours at the most when I'm lucky. I cut too so that doesn't help, and you can figure out why I'm always sad.

So this morning I am out going to school until about 9:00 at night. Long I know right, it's long because I study long hours and I volunteer at the school so I stay late. I also have work until 3:30 in the morning so fun (not sure if you picked up on the sass.)

*Time skip to being at her locker.*

Yes, music class my only escape from this horrible thing humans call 'life'. As I walked down the hallway I saw Amelia. Amelia is my bully she hates me along with everyone else here, she just gives me the most trouble.

"Hey loser." Amelia said with her evil grin while her two dogs, Sadie and Sarah laughed at what she said.

"Hi Amelia." I said just loud enough so she could hear me.

"Awww is little Y/N is sad today, let me fix it for you I know how much you love my beatings." She said as she started to walk towards me with pure happiness and evil written on her face.

I tried to run but there was a whole group of people surrounding us who wouldn't let me get away. So I held my breath and let a tear slip from my eyes, which was a big mistake.

"Look she's crying, haha" Amelia yelled to the group surrounding us which caused them to laugh at me. "Don't worry this will be quick" Amelia stated.

She grabbed my hair and shoved my head into a locker which caused my nose to bleed and everything go blurry. She then started kicking me in the stomach and punching me. After a while she stopped and let me fall to the ground. I was too weak to even move or keep my eyes open so as I started to black out I saw Amelia smiling her evil smile and the crowd going too there next class like nothing had just happened, then darkness.

-skip 14 hours-

I woke up with a huge headache 'where am I' I thought to myself. I looked around and saw that I was in the same spot from when I was beat 'Damn they couldn't have at least taken me to the nurse' I told myself. As I got up to go to work (It was 9:00 and she has work at 9:30 her work is a 30 min walk away from her school) I felt a sharp pain in my right wrist I immediately fell back to the ground and whimpered in pain. I went to look at it and it was so swollen and bruised. I at least was sprained it. I pushed my wrist aside and figured I would fix it when I get to work, so that's what I did, I quickly got dressed into my work clothes grabbed my bag and walked out of the building. I was going to take the main road but thought 'if I take the alley I would get there about 10 minutes early so I could fix my wrist'

I then started making my way to the ally that would lead me to my work place it was sketchy and had no lights but I needed to fix my wrist and get the money I needed to pay off my bills. I was about to turn my flash on my flash light when all of a sudden I heard a twig break and some voices. I quickly got ready to run since I couldn't defend myself if someone was really there and I listened. Curiosity had gotten the best of me. I made no sound as I listened to the voices.

"Zach be quiet she could have heard us." What I believe was a boy said, which got my nerves running since I have a terrible fear of people especially men.

"I'm sorry I can't see a thing" said someone to be named Zach.

"Um did it get quiet all of a sudden, where is she?" A third guy said. Now I know there after me great.

"Yeah it did Corbyn turn on your flashlight and look" said another male.

"Ok." Was all that the 'Corbyn' guy said.

My heart started to beat faster than it ever had they would definitely find me there has to be at least five of them. I was soon blinded by a light and I could make out five huge shadow figures before I started running. I was screwed I couldn't defend myself because of my wrist and there were five men there!

"Get her!" I heard one of the boys scream before five pairs of feet started to chase after me, and they were gaining on me quickly.

"No please leave me alone" I said tears falling out of my eyes as I ran. I was getting so tired but I had to keep moving I could just see the car's lights from the main road. Just as I was about to get to the sidewalk and into view of other people one of the men grabbed me, I tried to run or hurt him try to get him to let go of me but I couldn't do it my wrist hurt so much. Because we were so close to the road there was a bit of light so I could clearly see the boys that where now surrounding me. They were young like a teenager young and that was the last thing I saw before I passed out from the clorophome that the man holding me put over my mouth. My last thought was 'I was being taken'

*Please read the author note bolded bellow*

Hello my people. This is my first book ever so if it's not that good at the beginning it will get better. I am not one of those people/writers that will post a whole part thanking you guys it will always be right here. Some notes will have the "*Please read the author note bolded bellow*" that means it's important like this note, so just read it it's not to hard ok. Post will be every 1-2 days and most chapters will be/have drama, and all chapters should have proper grammar because I do this on docs then copy and paste it so the spelling will be correct. *that is why chapters can take up to 2 days maybe (rarely) 3 days.* thank you for your time and I hope you enjoyed this little piece. Don't forget to comment what you think and if you don't... I'll be ON MY WAY ;)

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