Chapter 12: Training (Part 2)

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Y/N's P.O.V.

I got up this morning and lazily grabbed my clothes I left out for today. I was going to just put on the outfit from yesterday, but I assumed the others took my clothes out.


I quickly ate a small bowl of cereal and walked outside to stretch

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I quickly ate a small bowl of cereal and walked outside to stretch. No one else was ready. I was determined to unlock my powers, I can't live knowing that one of them got hurt by me.

When I was touching my toes I heard the glass door slide open then slide shut. I took a quick sniff and new it was Corbyn. I must have been holding my breath because once I smelled Corbyn I let out the air I was holding in.

As I was stretching I felt a light force on my ass, I shot up and saw Corbyn staring at me with a smirk then turning it into an innocent face looking the other way.

I giggled sitting down, it was my last stretch anyway. Corbyn came and sat next to me.

Suddenly he said, "What's wrong?"

Shocked at the sudden question I answered, "What do you mean?" He started to rub his hand up and down my back.

"Babe, I know something's wrong. You love to sleep," I sighed knowing I would have to tell him.

"I'm scared. If you, or anyone else got hurt because of me I won't be able to forgive myself." I paused to collect my thoughts again, "So if I learn to control it I can prevent myself from hurting you and defend you guys." I looked down mad at myself for bringing this upon them.

"Baby, you didn't mean for this to happen. I promise everything will be just fine." He hugged me and I hugged back. His touch has always made me feel safe and calm. Like my relief from the world itself.

We released from the hug, Corbyn got up kissed my forehead and left. I sat there feeling way better than I had before.

After about five minutes the boys came out, same order as yesterday. Jack, Zach, Daniel, Jonah, and finally Corbyn. Jack stepped up and without a word, started to lightly tap me going around in circles with his speed so I couldn't get him. I started to fume with anger and annoyance. slowly, I felt my eyes change, I grabbed his arm with sudden accuracy and speed. I had no control over my actions, I picked him up and threw him at a nearby tree. After I threw Jack, I collapsing to the floor from the sudden amount of energy I had used. I felt a weight on my back my hands felt hot too, as a matter of fact... my whole body does!?

Corbyn and Daniel came over to me while Zach and Jonah ran to Jack. I tried to get up to see if Jack was ok, but Daniel went to stop me. He put his hands on my shoulders to push me down a bit, but he immediately pulled his hands away in pain. Since Jack was strong and supernatural it didn't really hurt him that much. Jonah, Zach, and Jack came running up to me.

"Y/N..." Jack paused looking at me eyes wide. "U look, amazing." I was confused, didn't I look the same?

Daniel saw my confusion, "look in the mirror." He said pointing to the mirror.

I hesitantly got up and walked to the full length mirror. I expected to see myself, but what I saw horrified me. I had huge, long wings that looked like fire, spread out open majestically. They had little sparks of fire swimming in the air around them, My eyes where a deep shade of red, my pupils where gone. My nails were also red, and where longer than usual.

I backed away scared of myself, I felt myself changing again!? I looked back in the mirror and there was a new creature. Again I had long wings, but they had a purple look to them. Surrounding them where purple particles, but every once in a while there would be a quick yellow light. My eyes where again a light shade of purple, no pupils. My nails same size that they always where, but purple. I wasn't hot anymore.

Corbyn touched my shoulder, but pulled his hand back immediately like Daniel. I was on the ground now crying my eyes out. At that moment the sliding glass door opened to reveal the girls. I didn't want anyone else to see me like this, so I spread my wings and with one big swing I went flying into the air and everyone to get pushed to the ground by the gust I had created. I hover over them to look at Corbyn, his eyes had sadness and heartbreak, which broke me. With another huge swing of my wings I flew into the woods.

Corbyn's P.O.V.

Y/N was on the ground sobbing when the sliding glass door opens and the girls walk out. I was suddenly with a strong force was pushed to the ground. When I looked up I see Y/N hovering above us flapping her wings I looked at her. Inside begging her not to go, but she flew into the woods.

Everyone got up off the ground, the girls were freaking out. "Guys, where's Y/N!" Veronica yelled.

Gabbie gasped, "Did that thing take her."

Honestly that made me angry. I know they didn't know that it was Y/N, but still!

"That thing is my mate!?" I said, my eyes turning red.

"Corbyn calm down they didn't know, let's just explain wh-" before Jonah could even finish his sentence there was a loud growl from the woods. Not a normal wolf growl... a supernatural wolf growl.

It was coming from the same woods that Y/N was in, my wolf and I growled 'my mate'

"Don't Deserve You" A Corbyn Besson Fanfic (Completed, Part 2 out now)Where stories live. Discover now