Prologue: When Night Falls

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"You know Shiro is going to kill us right?"

Pidge rolled their eyes, tapping furiously against the screen of their comm. "What he doesn't know won't hurt him. Plus, this was your idea wasn't it?"

Their best friend gave a huff in response. "Yeah, but that was before I got grounded." he mumbled.

Quietly, Pidge sighed. If it weren't for Keith's reckless personality they probably wouldn't have to sneak around in the dark of the night. No matter how cool it made them feel, Pidge also knew that the danger rate rose up the longer they kept wandering around. Darkness was an opening for many villains, with the cover of night disguising their movements, it made it all the easier to attack. And although Pidge had never actually seen a villain in action, they knew enough to be cautious.

It was because of the increasing population of villains that Pidge and Keith weren't allowed to go out after dark. Despite growing up together, both of them didn't exactly know when to stop the other from doing something careless. Which was why they got along extremely well, and also shared a similar leash to keep them restrained. Protective older brothers. 

The comm flashed red, vibrating in their hand and nearly making Pidge yelp. They really needed to shut that effect off, it was bad enough that they already felt jumpy walking through the endless bound of nature. Plants and leaves just weren't their thing, not to mention this whole hunt put them a little on edge. But with Keith being Keith, reason and logic were apparently out of the picture.

Looking up, Pidge blew at the bangs in front of their face, shooting Keith a look. "This," they said, gesturing to the structure before them, "was where you felt 'it'?"

He started to nod, biting his lip before shrugging instead. "I mean, I'm pretty sure? I don't know how to explain it, but it's like-"

"Some sort of energy is pulling you in, yeah yeah, I know. It's not like you've been repeating the same thing the past few days."

Although what Keith said sounded completely absurd, Pidge felt something too. A strange force tugging at their gut, as if trying to draw them closer towards the building. It felt exactly how Keith described it, an overloading wash of energy that seemed to roll around them. Like an aura that intrigued them, but also setting them further on edge. Pidge didn't know what it was, but they knew they were going to find out.

The building itself was not the most pleasant to look at. With crooked shudders and planks of wood, green with mold, that made a small porch. It looked almost like something straight out of a horror movie, roof caved in and the walls looking like they suffered from explosions, ready to collapse. Pidge suspected this was why it was all the way out in the forest, far away from civilization because if anyone else knew about it, it was likely they'd try to ship it off the Area 51. That's how bad it was.

They sucked in a breath. "Well, it was a good thing I updated my will before we left."

Keith scoffed. "At least you have a will."

"I'm surprised Shiro hasn't tossed you off the some repair shop to fix that emo-ness of yours. You might as well be half alien from all the MCR you listen to."

"Like you weren't emo at some point."

Pidge glared at him. That was a topic completely off limits, shunned away from the light and buried in the darkest corner of the world. "We agreed never to speak about that again."

He smirked, but kept his mouth shut, knowing that when Pidge said something was over, it was over. Whether out of fear or amazing friendship, they didn't care. Such memories should never be resurrected or else the world would be at chaos. Not that it wasn't already.

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