01. Thorn

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         Thornton had let out an exasperated sigh as he watched his mother enter the changing room for the tenth time

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         Thornton had let out an exasperated sigh as he watched his mother enter the changing room for the tenth time. He knew better to say anything, not wanting to end up being dressed up by her as punishment.

"Sisters am I right?" A random male sat next to Thorn on the empty chair beside him. The warlock's body tensed at the close capacity and straighten his posture. It was a natural instinct within him that had never gone away—despite him and his mother no longer being in solitude.

Though, within the many centuries that have gone by—time was something he never felt could heal. The trauma of being ripped apart from his mother and the time of isolation he suffered from his captors.

He felt uncomfortable with strangers—having that fear of nightmares reliving within his mind. He hated the way his body reacted making it a challenge for him to be compassionate about humans. He dreamed of being a doctor—but with his constant fear, he was not sure if it'd ever become a reality.

Catherina had sensed her son's emotions, making the young mother close her eyes and concentrate. One of her hands made it's way on her lips muttering a spell—one she had done so; her distressed son had felt the magic surround him and the white light that only he could see comforted him.

He mentally thanked his mother knowing she'd hear him and turned to the male next to him," I couldn't agree anymore" He joked softly to the male.

The male smiled but quickly frowned as his sister walked over giving him demands—he said a quick farewell and Goodluck as he was dragged away. While Thorn watched the male walk away, he failed to see his mother standing before him.

"I'm not that bad, Thorn" Catherina pouted getting her son's attention that lingered at the direction of the male he just spoke to.

"No" Thorn turned to his mother and grinned," I think you're a lot worse"

She huffed playfully and walked towards the rack of clothes," Just for that, you're going to wait longer, young man"

He internally groaned deflating on the chair he was sat on and leaned on his palm watching his mother gather a bunch of clothing. Regardless of his reaction, he couldn't help but enjoy the moment. With the time they'd spent secluded to the world—most of the littlest things such as watching his mother spent hours shopping, were things he wanted to cherish—simply mundane.

Once their shopping adventure came to an end—the mother and son both prepared for their trip to Forks, Washington. Neither of them was sure what could happen to aiding a Coven of Vampires— after all, it was the first for them.

Both of them were mainly just drawn to the idea of helping a helpless child, and not even considering the danger that would come along with it. Catherina had to admit that she hesitated when the petite vampire and her mate mentioned the Volturi, but the way her son was willing—she pushed aside that hesitance and gave in.

The Volturi was just one of the many enemies she had on her list, and she hated to admit that they were very high up in it. She'd seen through her precognitive spells, that they know of her and Thorn's existence—and how they survived the ritual of immortality.

The ritual that had killed many that tried to convert themselves into powerful beings. She was not sure how her and Thorn were both lucky to have survived and why they were considered special. All she knew was that among the shadows she was known as an Oracle and her son was something stronger. Neither of them was even certain what it meant for them—both not sure how someone can strip them of their powers, or what they seek.

Thorn only wished for one thing in the entire world and that was for his mother to be safe. She was everything to him and he'd do anything to protect her. It was the same with Catherina the two had solemnly sworn to themselves for each other's wellbeing.

"A child born from a vampire and human," Catherina said slowly, while it's true that the female taught herself not to be surprised with anything—especially with her life. The idea of procreating with a being that is technically dead just made no sense.

However, Catherina would constantly remind herself that she was a living example of things that made no sense. She was still human and her body was battling the whole logic of staying completely healthy regardless of the time that had gone by.

Catherina held back a laugh at the fact that she was really sounding like her brother. He was always the intelligent one and she always left the overthinking to him.

Her chest physically hurt thinking about Carlisle. No matter how many years had gone by—she would still blame herself to this day for for stopping him.

"So, do you think you can have kids?" Thorn asked suddenly making Catherina's eyes widened to his words—she silently thanked her son from getting her out of her deep thoughts, but she was not sure if she'd prefer being out of it now with his sudden question.

"What?" She asked with shock in her tone

"Well—I don't know, it's just sometimes I feel like you'd want more kids" Thorn confessed while fiddling his thumbs," And I do imagine having siblings...sometimes"

Catherina's chest felt light at his words making her eyes soften to his confession ," I mean, It can be possible. Though, I'm not sure what would happen if I did get pregnant"

"You're thinking about them aging—aren't you" He mumbled making his mother let out a sigh nodding her head.

"We don't age and would we really be okay with watching them grow up?" She considered discreetly looking at her son.

"I would be sad, but I'll also be happy for them being able to grow and live a happy life" Thorn stated as a smile reached his face," I mean, we wouldn't miss anything in their lives"

"I like your positivity—but the only problem is that I want to have a kid with someone I love and not just some random donor"

Thorn chuckled and clapped his hand," Well, let's hope to find someone then—leave it to me and I'll find the perfect companion"

"Right, my son who hardly has the experience in romance" She teased and Thorn huffed crossing his arms.

"Like you have the experience either" He shot back making her quickly lose her smile

Catherina's jaw dropped making her gawk at him, while  pursing her lips "Low blow, Thorn"

He grinned at her whilwle pattng her arm, "I love you too, Mom"

"Yeah, yeah I love you too" Catherina let out a laugh reaching over ruffling his hair," We'll find the ones soon"

"You said that 100 years ago" Thorn mused lightheartedly

"Well, we got forever," She said confidently," And 100 years is nothing"

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