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Todoroki POV
After I went inside bakugos mom told me a bunch of stories about him and showed his baby book, he was so cute. I didn't realize I said it out loud until bakugo said thanks. I loved being there it felt different but then my dad called me and I ingored him bUT I went home

Here are some picture of little bakugo

_________________________Here are some picture of little bakugo

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                               Bakugo s POV
After icy hot left walked To my room agh I can't get out of my head he called me cute I just wish he stayed longer as much as I say I hate him I feel weird when I with him like when your a kid around your crush ugh then my phones dings

Icy hot: hey bakugo
You: yea half n half
Icy hot: ...are u free tomorrow
You: yea why does it matter to you
Icy hot: want to go somewhere
You: fine but where are we going
Icy hot: I can't tell you that just meet my inform of your house at 10
You fine
                        Icy hot is offline
                    Bakugo is offline

Time skip
Todoroki POV

Ok I can do this just bring him to the park and tell him about how u feel. Ugh I can't do this what if doesn't feel the same way. Guess I should get going

Bakugo POV
I heard my mom screaming at me to get up but honestly I regret saying I would go but she told me I have to. I put on my clothes and head out it was 9:55 so I had to wait for him to get here

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