The party

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           1-a group chat plus shinsou

Todoroki hey guys the party will be at my house my dads gone for the week

Deku ok todoroki what time

Todoroki it starts at 4:00 pm on the 20th

Bakugo k I'll be there and I make brownies

Kirishima I make some punch

Deku I can be cheese crackers and meats

Bakugo deku don't forget about the thing tonight at my place

Deku yep see u there kaccan

Denki what should I bring

Bakugo nothing you can't cook

Shinsou for once I agree with bakugo I'll help denki make cookies

Mina are we getting presents for everyone

Momo yes

Mr aziwia every go to bed you have a test tomorrow
And shinsou do your Landry

Shinsou ok dad

        Mr aziwia has left the chat

Bakugo POV it's Friday so deku has to come over tonight I'll text him

Bakugo hey deku when are you coming over

Deku can I come tomorrow after school there a sale at the mall at almost all of the stores

Bakugo yea whatever works if todoroki asks we're having a family party

Deku I don't like lying

Bakugo just do it bye deke

              The next day when deku came over

Deku Kacchan I have the perfect gift it's amazing

Bakugo ok what is it

Deku ok it a big box that when you open it the side open a show you candy and you can write something in the middle

Bakugo ok

At the party

Mina Hey todoroki can u talk to you

Todo sure

Mina the red line I know only you can see yours but who's your soul mate

Todoroki umm well you see it's bakugo

Mina I thought he didn't have one

Todoroki he didn't now he does I guess cause I didn't have one until before we went on a date

Mina ok

Momo ok every tome for gifts

After they open gifts

Deku hay kacchan can i talk to u

Bakugo sure

Bakugo POV
I follow deku out side and he's starts blabbing about all might then all the sudden he's grabs me and throws me on a van

Bakugo wtf deku what are u doing

Deku(toga) I'm not deku

Bakugo wtf are u talking about let me g-go

Third person
Bakugo passes out yoga bring bakugo to the lov new hideout

Dabi come on kid wake up

Toga look he's eyes are opening

Bakugo mmm mmm

Toga cat got you tongue

Dabi just take the tape of toga

Toga your no fun(take tape off bakugo mouth)

Bakugo why the hell im I hear

Toga to bring you little boyfriend here

Bakugo why do u want him and he's not my boyfriend

Toga hmm that's not what I heard at the party

Bakugo don't touch him and were is deku

Toga at home safe in bed I could never hurt him

Bakugo why do u want todoroki

Dabi you'll never know

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