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          Nobody's POV
Bakugou had to go home for a week before returning to the dorms

Bakugo POV
I walked through my door and all I could smell was alcohol and smoke, all the lights were off so I amused my parents were sleep but I could make out a figure standing in the corner of the room it was my mother

: god damn it katsuki do you know how*hiccups* expensive the hospital bill is. She said

I tried to ignore her and go up stairs since she clearly is drinking again

good dammit do ignore me you little shit she was starting to yell even though she could barely stand she managed to hit me right across the face

You such a brat you'll never get a girlfriend and then she walked up stairs

I just ran to me room a locked the door it been like this she gets drunk or high every night and dad doesn't care then I heard my phone ping

Shitty hair🦈: hey bakubro I want to know of your alright

Me: I'm fine shitty hair
I lied I wish todoroki was here

Shitty hair🦈: also I know your home and I'm
Outside your house come let me in

Me: wtf shitty hair
I heard the door open my mother opened the door and let him in

Kirishima POV
He house reaked of alcohol and smoke I new were bakugous room was so I went to there

Hey bakubro

Hey dumb hair  he didn't sound mad that I came over without asking

So todoroki told me to come see if your alright he would have came himself but his father wouldn't let him

Tch I'm fine you can leave he sounded kinda sad

Nope let's play a game or something

Fine you can pick one

I picked out Minecraft and we played for a couple hours and I ended up spending the night I texted todoroki that he was fine and I would stay with him

                               -time skip-

Katsuki get up down I heard bakugo mom yelling from the kitchen she sounded mad so I went down to watch what was happening bakugo walked down there and started talking to her I couldn't hear very well but she seemed upset

Bakugo POV
My mom was yelling at me about shitty hair sort he night and how she was out of beer I just hoped the Shitty hair didn't walk up

Katsuki I heard her yell go and get me more beer from the store

Tch don't you think you've had enough

Nobody POV

*smack* Mitsuki smacked bakugo right across the face
He didn't do anything he just ran to his room forgetting the kirishima was over

Bro are you ok kirishima said concretely

I'm fine let's just go he rolled his eyes and they left the house

Kirishima POV
i was really worried for bakugo I didn't say anything but he seemed different I've never seen him more quiet when he went to the bathroom I quickly texted todoroki

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