Exposing the traitor

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(Sorry I took so long to do this chapter)
Todoroki's POV
I ignore urarakas call and start walking towards the dorm I didn't see bakugo at school today I wanted to talk to him but he blocked my number or is ignoring me which makes since...I'll text him again
(The line's basically mean texting)
Me: hey bakugo can we please talk

Bakugo💕: leave me alone

Me: please

Bakugo💕: no stop texting me
   Well  that didn't work

"Hey babe" I hear uraraka say running up to me

"Hi" I answer trying to walk faster but she continues to walk with me until I reach me dorm then she finally leaves

Thank god I used to be really good friends with her until me and bakugo started dating and she did that whole thing
I wonder who texted me
All mights secret love child : hey todoroki I want to talk to you about kacchan

Me: ok come to my dorm

He gets there a few minutes later I let him in and he sits down

"Todoroki I know your a good person so why would you say that" he says

"... I can't tell you" I really do want to tell him but I can't

"Please todoroki i know you were happy with kacchan what happened" he says grabbing my shoulders

"Ok I guess I can tell you they never said I couldn't tell anyone" I guess it can't hurt

"They?" He asked letting me go

" the league they said if I didn't break up with bakugo for uraraka they would kill him" I tell him

"Uraraka is the traitor.." he says looking down

"Yea and please don't tell anyone" I can't let anyone know I told him

"Ok but we need to figure out how to stop her and I think you should tell kacchan" he says getting up

"He won't talk to me" I tell him

"Go to my house I'll text my mom to let you in and go to my room he's there" he tells me pulling out his phone

"Ok" I say before opening the door

I thank midyoria and head to his house when I get there his mom let's me in and points to his room
I walk to the door that has a allmight sign on it

"Bakugo" I say knocking

No reply

"Bakugo please" I try to open the door but it's locked

He opens the door his eyes red and puffy

"Have you been crying" I reach out for his hands but he pulls away

"What's it to you" he says looking down

I hug him "I'm sorry"

He pushes me off " why are you apologize"
"Please just hear me out" I say putting my hand on his shoulder

"NO" he yells slamming the door

I start walking out I say goodbye to inko and go to the dorms

30 minutes later

"Knock knock" midryia says opening the door

He just stands there for a minute holding something

"Here" he says handing it to me

It's a flash drive

"Thank yo-"
Where did he go, I plug the flash drive in.. it have videos of uraraka meeting with the L.O.V I look at the note attached it's say from Dabi...why would he send this to me whatever I send a copy of the flash drive to all might and mr aziwia and head down to the common room where everyone else was

"Hey todoroki" momo says waving

"Hey momo" I say sitting down next to her and Jirou

Then all might burst in and ask uraraka to talk
Present mic comes in later telling us urarak was the traitor and we no longer be attending U.A

Most of the class gasped no one ever thought it would be her

Mina asks "if anyone wants to watch movie"

Almost everyone says yes and turns towards the tv she puts on a horror movie

Bakugou💕: come to kirishima's room

Me: ok

I start walking towards kirishima room wondering what he wanted I didn't even know he came back
I knock on the door and he immediately opens it

"Come in"

I walk in and sit down at the foot of his bed
"Bakugou I'm sorry for what I did an-"

He interrupts me and says "I know your sorry and present mic told me about uraraka so tell me what you wanted to earlier"

I tell him everything
He doesn't say anything

"Bakugou " I say taping he shoulder

He hugs me "I'm sorry I didn't listen earlier" he says

"You don't need to apologize" I say hugging him back "it wasn't your fault"

We go back to our dorm and he puts on a the lion king we sit on my bed wrapped in a blanket after 30 minutes I look over and he sleep I move so he can lay down he looks so peaceful... I finish the movie and lay down next to him and pull the covers over us

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