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Bakugo POV
After a couple day with icy hot I decided to go back to the dorms and school, only ponytail(momo) dunce face and dumb hair knew about me and icy hot I asked them to not tell anyone.

~at u.a~

Hey bakubro glad to see your back

I looked to see who it was

Hey dumb hair

My hairs not dumb he said after punching me on the shoulder

We walk to class together and he keeps talking about deku and how much he likes him and how there gonna go out soon I'm happy for him and I knew he had a thing for deku for awhile now so it's not surprising they are going out all sudden some hugs me

Kacchan I was so worried about you deku says while hugging me

Get off me deku

Sorry he quickly let go

Anyways we were gonna have a party tonight are you gonna come he asked

Why would I do that

Because we're your friends he says

No your not but fine

Yes! It's just in the dorms around 8:30 he says happily and then runs off

The whole time in class I kept spacing out and remembering what my mom said well texted

BAKUGO someone yelled

I jumped and looked up class was over and everyone was leaving so I got up and went to eat lunch with raccoon eyes,dunce face, tape elbows and icy hot.

Hey bakubro where's is kiribro dunce looked around for dumb hair

He's sitting with deku and pink cheeks

Oh I could tell he was a little sad that dumb wasn't sitting with us but I didn't say anything

~after school at the dorms~

Todoroki POV

I wasn't sure why bakugo said yes to coming but I was glad he did and I got to pick out his outfit because he would just have worn all black or he's skull shirt if I didn't

Bakugo outfit

Todoroki outfit

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Todoroki outfit

Todoroki outfit

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