Are u gay

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Bakugo POV
I can't believe he knows I'm scared of roller coasters now it's so embarrassing. What if oww my hand wait is that what I think it's is. My my red string my soulmate should I follow it I'll go tomorrow

Time skip to the morning

Bakugo pov

I felt the red line pull so I followed it for miles it seemed like then I saw him that icy hot bastard and my string Connected to his no no this can't be happen he can't be my soulmate and why just now Oh god his coming over here

Todoroki POV
Bakugo that's who my soulmate is I can't believe this maybe he just wants to be friends ok I can do this just ask him to be friends

Todoroki: hey bakugo

Bakugo:what do u want icy hot

(All the sudden it started pouring so they ran to todoroki house)

Bakugo: hey
Todoroki yea

               Todoroki POV

He looks so cute with the rain droplets in his hair I wish we could be more then friends 

Todoroki : I have a question
Bakugo : yea what is it
Todoroki: are u gay
Bakugo : well um you see I

3 person POV
Todoroki pushes bakugo against the wall and kissed him bakugo looked shocked for a moment the he kissed back

Todoroki jumping back: oh my god I'm so sorry I just you it I'm

Bakugo you don't have to be sorry after all I enjoyed the kiss so let's get lunch

Todoroki ok

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