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Uraraka POV
Ugggggh todoroki was gonna be mine but stupid bakuhoe got in the way I'll just have to make him love me

Uraraka grabs her phone and texts someone who could help

U stand for  Uraraka
?? Stands for the person she's texting

U ok I'll do it

??? I knew you come around

U one condition

??? What is it

U   you find a way for shoto todoroki to be mine

??? Ok bring him to the park at 8 tomorrow

U will do see you soon

Finally he will be mine

~Time skip to the next day at school~

Todo POV
Most of the class supports me and bakugo only urarka and mineta didn't. bakugo looked nerves about being here so I did my best to comfort him then mr aziwia walked in and started class when I noticed there was a note at my desk

Dear shoto todoroki
Come to the park at 8pm

- your friend

Hmm that's odd

(Time skip because I don't know what to write)

~at the park~

I got to the park and I didn't see anyone so I sat down and looked around

Hello todoroki a group of people said approaching me I didn't reconzine any of them...wait


The dude with black hair steps forward here's the deal kid unless you want your little boyfriend to die you are gonna break up with him and tell him you never want to see him again and the you'll date

...what no I can't do that

Then they showed me a live stream of bakugo sitting in his room and a blonde girl ready to kill him

How about now shoto he smiled and puts away the phone


Good now better get going the guy said

Then they all left I ran back to the dorms and into our room

Shoto! bakugo ran up and hugged me

I pushed him down, listen up I don't love you and I never did don't ever talk to me again you just a arrogant asshole

....shoto he starts crying

Leave find a few dorm

The he ran out I shut the door and locked it and started crying I just lost the best thing in my life and I can never get it back

Bakugo pov

I ran to kirishima dorm and walked in and over to him

What happened he said pulling me into a hug

I hugged him back and cried I couldn't say anything so I just cried while him held me
After awhile I stoped crying

Bakubro what happened he let's go and wipes my tears

T-todoroki said he never loved me and called me a asshole

He's a idiot your a amazing person and you dervse better anyways he says hugging me again

Can I stay here

Sure I'll ask deku if it's ok he grabs his phones to text deku

Then deku comes bursting in

I'm back kiri- kacchan he runs over and hugs me usually I would want to blow his face off but I just hugged back

Kiri explmaed what happened and deku offered to sleep in sho- icy hots dorms but we talked to mr aziwia about switching dorms and his said no but I was free to sleepover when ever I wanted so I stayed there kirishima and deku shared a bed and kirishima gave me his I said thank you and feel fast asleep

-Katsuki dream-

Your worthless you little brat no wonder you have no friends

Your not my son

Go get me more beer

Don't come home ever

I don't love you and I never did

Your a arrogant asshole

I woke up crying my dream was icy hot and my mother saying anything they ever said that hurt me

I put on a hoodie and went to the common room it was at around 5:00 so nobody was really awake but then I saw it icy hot and pink cheeks making out on the couch I ran out of the dorms and into the streets I didn't care where I was just not there so I went to the one person I know wouldn't hurt me someone who raised me more then my own mother did mamma inko I've called her that since as long as I can remember so when I knocked on here door crying she pulled me inside and hugged me

Bakugou who did this to you

I told her everything form my mom to todo- icy hot

She offered for me to stay with her and she would call the school and saw something came up and would bring deku back to so i wouldn't be alone well she worked I agreed and she made me tea and put on a movie and gave me anything I needed for the night

Good morning kacchan deku said shaking me

Shut up deku let me sleep

I made breakfast he says handing me a plate


~at school~

Todoroki POV

I'm gonna kill you todoroki I hear someone yell and pull me back

Why would you do that to bakugo sero yells at me

.....It's the bakusquad and shinsou

I feel someone slap my face

I can't believe you. Mina looks like she's gonna blow


No we don't want to hear it says shinsou

Stay away from bakugo denki says letting go of me

I run as a fast as I could....why.....why uraraka why me I was happy with bakugo and now he hates me his squad hates me and midoryia probably does too then I see it again that man

Shoto he says looking at me

What do you want now

I'm sorry then he turns and runs away

What just happened then I hear my phone it uraraka

That mans pov(dabi)
I hate doing this I never wanted to be a villain until endeavor made it looked like I died because I wasn't good enough but it killed me knowing I hurt shoto my little brother the one i swore to Protect.....I have to fix this

(Hello is this Dabi is gonna be toyua todoroki and I gave up on spelling all there names correctly so sorry if there spelt wrong)

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