Chapter Nine: The stone bridge

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Meanwhile back on the "island"

Mr.Griffin and Mrs.Griffin are at the bottom of the canyon, which has the stone bridge above them as they set the table up.

Mrs.Griffin: *Lights a candle with her claw* Candle light dinner, *blows the fire on her claw off* just the two of us.

Mr.Griffin: Oh yes darling, we haven't done this in ages.

Meanwhile (on the edge of the canyon)

Finny, Leah, Obessey, and Stayput comes to a stop when they see that there's only a stone bridge.

Finny: *Looks down the canyon* Whoa, it sure is a long way down... Um, maybe there's another way...

Leah: Forget it, we can't afford to waste anymore time on detours. You ALREADY spent HALF the day making that STUPID hat for Obessey!

Finny: But he needed some shade!

Leah: *Whispers to Finny* I told you he would slow us down!

Obessey: My fellow mountaineers, might we stop for a quick break?

Leah: There's no time for breaks, *looks behind Obessey* look!

Everyone looks to see what Leah is seeing to realize that the water is closer to them now and it has covered almost all of the trees.

Finny: Well, I guess it's the bridge then... o-o"

Leah: Ok, I'm going ahead. *Starts SLOWLY walking on the stone bridge, but quickly gets startled when the rock shifted a bit, which caused her to gasp*

A few tiny pebbles fell down and broke Mr.Griffin's and Mrs.Griffin's candle and plates as Mr.Griffin and Mrs.Griffin laughs evilly.

Leah: *Starts SLOWLY walking on the stone bridge again* You need to go slowly... And one by one... keep a good distance between each other... Some of these rocks are very lose... *Gets startled when another rock gets shifted a tiny bit* So wait for my word... And then-

Finny: And then what?

Leah quickly turns around to see that Finny, Obessey, and Stayput has actually followed her onto the stone bridge, and thanks to the logic in the movie it was actually a STUPID thing to do.

Leah: You got to be kidding me...!

The stone bridge fell apart below Finny, Leah, Obessey, and Stayput which caused all of them to fall down with the stones.

Finny, Leah, Obessey, and Stayput: *Screams in fear*

Mr.Griffin: Dinner's coming!

The stones continue falling until suddenly on of them landed on the table before is crushes (while somehow not killing) Mrs.Griffin.

Mr.Griffin: Aye...?

A stone lands behind Mr.Griffin and all of the sudden it turns into tetris. A few more stones fell and created a perfect line which causes most of the stone to disappear except the stone that was ontop of the perfect line.

Mr.Griffin: Uh-oh... *Gets crushed by the stone that was ontop of the perfect line*

All of the sudden Obessey is flying through the canyon. The hat that Finny made for Obessey turned into airplane wings. Finny, Obessey, and Stayput are having fun with this.

Stayput: Obessey, check it out! You're like a giant bumblebee!

Finny: Hey, where's Leah???

Obessey: Don't worry, she's fine! Right Leah?

Leah: *Is hanging onto Obessey's tail* Never been better...

Stayput: Up, up, and away captain!

Finny: Aye-eye!

Obessey: *Goes out of the canyon and into the sky above him* Whoo-hoo!

Stayput: At this rate we'll reach the top in no time!

Leah quickly climbs on Obessey's back thinking that they should get down now not knowing that they're going straight to the top of the mountain that they're supposed to be going in the first place.

Leah: What are you doing!? Get us down now! *Sees where they're REALLY going* Wow!

Finny: Ah-ha-ah! We will soon have reach our crushing altitude!

However, everything was doing alright UNTIL the hat started breaking apart as Finny started freaking out about it. Soon the hat completely flies off of Obessey before everyone started falling from the sky. Thankfully everyone (somehow) survived from the fall AND the crash landing.

Obessey: Oh I need to lie down...

Stayput: You're ALWAYS lying down...!

Finny: *Coughs* Leah...?

Leah: *Cleans herself off* I knew it!

Finny: Are you ok...?


Obessey: *Sees a path that'll take them to the top of the mountain* Look! A path! It leads straight to the top!

Stayput: Oh yeah, even you can get up there big guy!

Finny: Yeah! We're the BEST team ever! Let's go!

Leah: *Walks away from Finny, Obessey, and Stayput* I'm going ALL by myself...

Finny: What!?

Leah: This whole "team" thing is NOT for me...

Finny: But we come so far! *Walks to Leah*

Leah: Far!? I should EVEN be here! I'm SUPPOSED to be on the ark with my mom and it's YOU'RE fault that I'm not! *pushes Finny away from her before she continues to walk away from him*

Stayput: But Leah, where are you gonna go?

Obessey: It is safer to stay with us.

Leah: I'm going all alone, I don't need advice from a over-grown slug!

Obessey: 😱

Finny: Wait, I think I know what will fix this! *Climbs on the stone before opening his arms* Somebody needs a hug! :3

Leah: ... I'm done, goodbye. *Leaves*

Finny: But I thought we were a team... What do we do now...?

Obessey: If the, uh, offer for a hug is still on the table. I think I could do with one...

Finny sighs in sadness not knowing what to do since Leah is no longer using team work together anymore. It's sad when things like this happen in life sometimes.

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