no ice cream in the freezer

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Inspired by chapter 15 of Creature by coffeesandcacti

Benjamin Carr was known for always having a freezer stocked with sweets and treats. So when James came over one Friday night and went searching for an almond ice cream bar and couldn't find one, a few red flags were raised.

"Yo, there's no ice cream in here?!" James called back into the living room, where he was watching a Knick's game.

"Um, no." Ben called back. "Emmie's on a diet."

James froze, slamming the freezer door shut. He basically dashed around the corner.

"Woah, Mate, what's going on?"

"A diet? Emmie went on a diet? Do you even realize what that means?!" James basically exclaimed. James looked around rapidly, quickly collecting his belongings.

"What are you doing?" Ben bit back a snicker. This was slightly hilarious to him.

James stood at Ben and Emmie's apartment door, staring right back at Ben. "Listen, you remember what happened last time Kath went on a diet. I can't be here when you figure all that out."

Ben frowned as he watched James leave his apartment. James was crazy. Yeah, everything happened with Kath about a year ago, but Emmie wouldn't do something like that.

She'd been exhausted after all of the rehearsal that day and had gone to bed before Ben could've made them both dinner. That's how he got to even inviting James over to watch the game.

He didn't even think about Emmie doing anything crazy. She wouldn't.

It's a show diet. They all go on them. Hell, Ben was on one too.

"Why, hello, Love. Have a good nap?" He asked with a chuckle as Emmie turned the corner.

Her already slim frame was swallowed under one of his oversized Knicks hoodies. Festive. It almost hit her knees.

Emmie nodded, her head bowed almost shyly as she walked into Ben's open arms. She was still hazed from her nap and trying to wake up.

"Listen, let's get you some food. I haven't seen you since lunch, and that salad could not have been enough." Ben started, lifting her off of his shoulder so she was standing up straight. "I had dinner with James earlier."

"James was over?" She asked, still groggy.

Ben nodded as he flung open a cupboard. "Yeah, he came to watch the game. He left just before you woke up...he went to get Kath some Midol or something. She wasn't feeling great." Ben lied right through his teeth.

He couldn't tell her that James had ran out in a weird panic over Emmie's diet. Especially since James running out made Ben panic.

"Really, Ben, turn the game back on. I don't want anything to eat. I'll just make some coffee."

Coffee? Ben thought. Coffee? It was almost eight o'clock.

Ben didn't like what he was starting to realize.

"No, Baby, you need to eat." Ben shook his head, staring back at her.

Emmie rapidly shook her head. "No, no, really, I'm fine."

"Emmeline Savett, you need to eat!" Ben shouted, making Emmie flinch back.

She anxiously toyed with the strings on the hoodie, seeing where this was headed.

" know I'm on a diet." Her voice gently quivered.

Ben sighed. He walked slowly up to his girl and put his hands on her waist.

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