that's up to you (ii) // sab x creature

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Oops. Here's a sequel. coffeesandcacti

TW: swearing (sorry to my good Christian school, in advance, this one's super heavy on it)

The door opened and closed for a third time and James was left alone again. His thoughts were racing, and the elephants had now migrated into his diaphragm, as if they couldn't find what they were looking for in his stomach. 

He felt suffocated. Breathing became increasingly difficult as the seconds kept ticking on and on and on. Damn that dressing room clock, it's always ticked so loudly. 

Was Asya really going to tell Bastian or Peter? Was Katherine going to tell Bastian or Peter? How else can I hide this? I have got to be more careful these next times. I have to look good on stage, I can't be lagging in this performance. This dictates if I get promot--

James' thoughts were immediately interrupted by the feeling of Katherine's arms wrapping around him. He hadn't even heard her come in. James settled into her embrace, using this time to actually take a few breaths. 

When the hug separated, Colin looked at Katherine, it was evident that she had been crying, just like Asya had said. Her makeup had been touched up, but fading gray streaks still created shadows around the corners of her eyes. His heart broke. His irresponsible choices had gone beyond just damaging himself. They'd begun to damage everyone around him.

" so sorry." James shook his head, standing up from his seated position. Katherine was still in front of him, but she was quickly pulled out of the inset bathroom and into the general dressing room area.

"James, sorry--" 

"I know." James intercepted. "I know that "sorry" isn't going to cut it. I know that you need to see action. You need to see me get better. And I'm going to. I'm going to try my hardest to."

Katherine knew where he was headed. She knew this train of thought. "When?" 

"I'm sorry?" James asked.

"When?" She repeated.

"I'm not following."

Katherine exhaled loudly. "When will you start trying to get better, James?" 

James' eyes immediately dropped to the floor. "I was…" He cleared his throat. "I was thinking about starting after Giselle wraps." 

He slowly looked up to his girlfriend, who he barely caught a full glimpse of before she stormed out of the dressing room. 

"Woah, woah, woah! What's going on, turbo?" Roman grabbed Katherine by her arm, hoping that calling her by his silly nickname for her would calm her down. The nickname started as a joke between Katherine and Asya; something about Katherine always walking at "turbo speeds". 

"I have a rehearsal to get to." Katherine snapped. 

Roman's eyebrows furrowed together. "You did not just walk out on your boyfriend!" His voice growled, though he kept his volume low. 

"I absolutely just did. My boyfriend has decided that he is going to put Giselle before his recovery, so I am going to put Giselle before him." 

Roman let go of his grip on Katherine's arm, which had been getting increasingly tighter as his anger rose. "You're ice cold, Garland." He called her by her last name, shaking his head. It was obvious that, while he understood, Roman was wildly disappointed. "Go rehearse."

"Thank you." Katherine rolled her eyes and stormed out of the wings, picking the dance up on stage as if nothing ever happened. 

"What happened?" Asya locked eyes with Roman through the vanity mirror. She was slipping a few final pins into her bun. 

Meet Us at the Barre: A Series of SAB OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now