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Hi it's late and we have our first dress reh for Nutcracker in like 12 hours and I'm panicking

"Why the hell are you sniffing a bundt cake?" James walked into the kitchen of the apartment that he lived in with some of his SAB classmates.

Kath looked over her left shoulder for a moment before turning her attention back to the cake. She slumped down with her hand against her chin, squishing her cheek against the frame of her glasses.

"Who made this cake?" She sighed, frowning.

James shook his head, pulling up a barstool next to the brunette. "I think Abby and Mark made it. Well...I think Abby made it and Mark licked the beaters when she was done."

Kath rolled her eyes. "What kind do you think it is? Abby's famous cinnamon, or something different this time?"

James snickered. "You tell me, you were smelling it." He took a playful jab at her shoulder.

Kath broke a small smile and leaned up on her elbows, bringing her nose closer to the cake again. She took a deep inhale and sat back after a moment. "Cinnamon chip." She concluded.

James sat back too, placing a gentle hand on her knee. "Katherine, why are you smelling the cake? Because I think I know the reason, but..."

"Because we have dress rehearsal, and I'm dying for a slice of that cake."

"Then cut a slice. C'mon, Love, we're the only ones home. Nobody will know. Cut that cake."

He watched his pas partner's gaze switch between the silverware drawer and the cinnamon bundt cake.

James jokingly rolled his eyes, smiling gently as he stood up from his stool. Katherine watched intently as James pulled a knife out of the silverware drawer. "Should we be cutting this with a cake knife?" He joked, holding up a butter knife.

"There...there is a cake knife in the drawer to your left." Katherine shakily admitted.

James nodded, placing the butter knife back in the drawer and grabbing the knife meant for cake. He also slid a plate out of a cabinet and grabbed two forks.

Kath bit her lip as she watched James cut a large slice of the cinnamon cake and not-so-elegantly sliding it onto the glass plate.

James flipped a fork towards Katherine, not letting his eyes lose contact with her's until she took the fork. James sat the plate down and cut a bite with the side of his fork.

He raised his eyebrows towards the girl, smiling a smile that showed his teeth when she cut a bite as well.


Catch y'all early in the morning when I'm still panicking over dress reh. What if this show sucks? I know we still have time, but still

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