Dream of something big.
Dream of what you love.You feel restless, you feel the desire, you feel this hole in your chest whe you are dreaming.
To fill this hole, you have to fulfill your dream.
But do you know why?
Let me explain.
If you're dreaming, it's like if you throw your heart far far away. You throw your heart at this dream.
You can feel this hole in your chest because you lost your heart.
And you have to run, carefully or fast, to catch your heart. You have to fulfill your dream to hold your heart back in your hands and finally be able to put it back in your chest.Or, you might throw it at another dream.
However, don't stop chasing your heart.
Too Young To Die
Poetry••• TOO YOUNG TO DIE ••• 🤺 Gedichte & Gedanken a.k.a. rhymes & deep stuff Die ersten Gedichte waren die ersten, die ich je geschrieben hab, und mir war Reim wichtiger als Inhalt. Ich will sie aber trd nicht zurückziehen, deshalb, lasst euch nich a...