Always trying to be thinner.
Always trying to be more beautiful.
Always trying to smile nice.
Always trying to be photogenic.
Always trying to be noticed.
Always trying to talk more.
Always trying to be less shy.
Always trying to get love.
Always trying to please someone.
Always trying to be accepted.
Always trying to look cool in cool clothes.
Always trying to be admired.
Always trying to tell me it will get better.Always trying to tell me I will achieve.
Always trying to achieve.
Too Young To Die
Poetry••• TOO YOUNG TO DIE ••• 🤺 Gedichte & Gedanken a.k.a. rhymes & deep stuff Die ersten Gedichte waren die ersten, die ich je geschrieben hab, und mir war Reim wichtiger als Inhalt. Ich will sie aber trd nicht zurückziehen, deshalb, lasst euch nich a...