The Confession to Myself

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*Y/n's Brain in a coma*
It was just a normal day at the clubhouse. I was sitting there in the garage watching the guys fix cars. When I saw Chibs pull his bike in the fix it. Great I wonder what's wrong with it now. You know what I don't really care. The reason being he doesn't really care about me. Wait what if he really did but just trying to hide it. Soon he walked into the office. "Good morning Lass."
"Morning. What's up with the bike?"
"Just gotta change the oil."
"Oh." I acted like I was working went Gemma came in. "Hey, Gemma lunchtime over?"
"Yeah, now out they need you at the bar."
"Okay, can I ask why."
"Yeah the new chick messed up Happy's drink and he snapped and she ran out crying."
"Great so I get to deal with a pissed off Happy."
"Yeah now go before the other get pissed." I ran out of the room and to the bar. I got to the bar and the first thing I made was Happy a new drink. That's when dad came in and told me that the new girl is outside in her car. So I walked out and to her car.
"Y/n I'm sorry but I really can't do it anymore."
"Bullshit gets your ass out of the car and back in that bar or I'll make sure you never get another bartending job again."
"But I messed up on Happy's drink."
"Just get your ass in there." After a while, she agreed and we went back into the bar. Happy started yelling "she's a stupid bitch why are you bringing her back in here."
"yeah, and you could learn to be nice to the new workers she ain't even trained yet so she gonna make fucking mistakes Happy so let her learn instead of getting on her ass all the time."
"Y/n she's been here a week."
"Yeah, and it took me almost a month to learn your drink didn't it."
"Well yeah."
"Then get off her ass unless you want me in here again." with that I walked out and back to the garage. "Gemma I swear we go through more bartender then anything."
"You're telling me."
"so when you gonna tell him about your feelings?"
"I don't have feelings for him I don't even know anything about him and he won't let me get to know him."
"Oh, that's a lie, and you that."
"It's not a lie Gem I can't have feelings for someone I don't know and he ain't letting me get to know him like really. Also not to mention the age difference I'm 18 he's like 48. That's a thirty-year difference and not to mention the fact that he's an asshole when he's drunk."
"Sweets you like him or you wouldn't have started to talk yourself into reasons not to like him."
"I don't like hi......" I was cut out by someone yelling in the bar. "Great I'll be back Gem we ain't don't here."
"Tig lay off the new bartender like seriously she's been here a week."
"She messed up my drink tho."
"Well, I don't care y'all act like she gonna get it perfect on the first try or the second. She ain't I messed for months with all of your drinks. I only gonna say this once to all of you guys because the others have already heard it. IF I HEAR ONE MORE PERSON YELLING AT THE NEW BARTENDER THEY'LL HAVE TO DEAL WITH ME GOT IT." They all nodded their heads and I went behind the counter to explain their drinks to her.
I walked back into the garage and sat down rubbing my forehead because all the fighting over the bartender was giving me a headache. "Gemma you still got the hidden bottle of Jack in here?"
"Yep, here you go, hun."
"Sweet I needed this." I took a swig from the bottle."
"You know you're the only one that doesn't mind drinking it straight from the bottle even tho the guys have probably drunk from it."
"Yeah well, what can I say you get used to it." I hadn't even noticed that my eyes had darted to Chibs. He was trying to drain his oil out but he was having trouble getting focused.
"He's not focused on his work because of the argument you and I had."
"What's that mean Gem?"
"It means he heard the conversation about you liking him and he can't focus now."
"I already told you I can't like a guy I don't know anything about." That's when some really beautiful lady walked in. "Hi miss how can I help you?"
"I'm actually here to talk to my ex-husband Filip Telford."
"He through there but be warned, you hurt him again like the last time you ain't gonna like the outcome," Gemma answered. She left and my eyes darted to Gemma.
"Chibs was married."
"Yeah and then when he came here the first time to talk with the crew and went back they separated and he got his scars from the guy that took her. He still loves her."
"Anything else you think I should know?"
"He has a daughter about your age."
"Yes now calm down. You're acting like you like him." She said with a smirk on her face.
"I do not like him, Gemma, now can we drop it. I have to go see how the new girl is doing."
"Sure be careful." I walked into the clubhouse and didn't see Tig or the new girl.
"Where's the new girl."
"She took Tig for a ride." Happy told me just as dad looked up
"Great so I have to fire her." Happy just nodded and went back to his pool game. I took over the bartender spot and a couple of hours later she came out with Tig right behind her. I tossed her bag at her and she barely caught it then looked at me with a What in the fuck look.
"Why are you throwing me my bag?"
"Because you're fired."
"Why? And you can't fire me I don't work for you I work for the club."
"No honey that's where you're wrong the bartender work for me and the reason you're fired is you left the bar unattended for more then ten minutes you don't do that shit if you want to be fucked you do it on your off time now get the fuck out."
"You can't fire me."
"I can, and I did, now get out before I throw you out."
"I work for clay and the club."
"Actually no you work for Y/n the bar is hers and like she said she can fire and hire anyone she wants." Clay said walking out of the chapel.
"Yes now get the fuck out."
"Fine, I'll be back tomorrow for work."
"No you won't you show up for anything other then to get laid by one of the guys, anything else and you'll be leaving with a black eye if not worse," I told her as I pored Clay his drink. She left and Tig went off
"You can't just fire her for fucking a crew member."
"Actually I can because I set rules with them if they take an hour lunch and get laid then that's fine but if they get laid when they're supposed to be working that's breaking my golden rule and yet you already knew that didn't you."
"Fine I knew it but I was hoping you wouldn't find out."
"I see so not only would you be lying to me, you wanted her to lie to me also?"
"No, but..." I cut him off
"Just stop." Pretty soon Chibs and the lady walked in talking to each other.
Great now I get to deal with this.
I hadn't even noticed I was crying telling "Lass what's wrong, why are you crying," Chibs asked
I wiped my eyes trying to hide what I had just found out I was doing. "I'm not crying," I wiped them away again, "see no tears." I was trying to stop myself from crying.
"Lass I know you've been crying the question is why."
"Because Tig admitted that he didn't care about the no fucking when you're on the card at the bar unless you talk an hour lunch." Happy said answering the question and getting a glare from me. "I had to tell him Y/n or he was just got keep asking." I ran out of the clubhouse needing to get a break from the guys. When Chibs came out after me.
"Lass stop." I stopped and looked at him with tears in my eyes.
"Chibs I have to tell you something and you have to stay quiet and you can't stop me of anything. Okay?" I said slowly getting in my car.
"Yeah, Lass okay."
"I like you as I guess you could say I have feelings for you." I started my car and drove off before he could say anything and I saw the lady walk up to him as I drove away."
I ended up calling Gemma. "Hey, Sweets what up."
"I told him I admitted my feels to him how's he doing. I couldn't stay I was to stressed."
"Y/n are you crying."
"Yes. Now, how's Chibs doing."
"He's a little confused about why you would leave after telling him that but he'll get over it."
"Gemma thank you I love you for the......." I hit something I think I went off the road I lost my phone and was hanging upside down. "Chibs help me please." I heard Gemma yelling my name but I couldn't find her. "Chibs please." And everything went black.

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