Episode 4 Archer In Wonderland Part 4

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"Ah! A serpent! Aaahhh, help! Serpent! Serpent!" The bird said. "What?" Archer said. "Off with you! Shoo! Shoo! Go away! Serpent! Serpent!" The bird said. "Well I mean your not wrong... a lizard is kind of a serpent... " Archer said. "So you admit it?" The bird said. "Not really snakes are more like serpents, I'm a Lizard." Archer said. "Lizards eat eggs too! So that doesn't really change anything now does it?" The bird said. "Well... I... I mean don't mind an omelet once in a while..." Archer said not really helping his situation. "I knew it!" The bird said. "But I won't eat your eggs!" Archer said. "Nope don't trust you! Serpent! serpent!" The bird said and flys around Archer. "Jeez lady calm down!" Archer said and looked at the other part of the mushroom he had In his hand.

"Hmm and the other side will..." Archer said and took a bite of the mushroom. "I spend all my time laying eggs, for serpents like him-" the bird said but Archer was starting to shrink which made the bird fall. "Ahhhhhhhh!" The bird screamed but her nest landed back on the tree and she landed on her nest and caught all her eggs. "You know I wonder if I'll ever figure this out..." Archer said he looks at the mushroom part that makes him bigger and licks it then grows to a normal size. "Finally back to normal size!" Archer said and at the parts of the mushroom. "hmmm well I better save the mushroom stuff."

Archer said and walks somewhere to find a bunch of signs. "let's see where was I? Which way should I go?..." Archer said. Archer all of sudden hears someone singing. "Where the heck is that coming from?..." Archer said. "Uh did you lose something...?" a familiar voice said. Archer gets startled a bit he looks up in the tree sees just a smile. "Oh!" Archer said surprised and giggles nervously looking at the smile on the tree. "No... I mean... I was uh uh uh... I was just wondering..." Archer said. "Oh uh, that's all right." The mysterious figure said and a pink eye appeared. "Oh hmm, One moment please..." The mysterious figure said and the other eye appeared and the teeth of the figures smile played like a piano. The figure shows up completely, it's Poppy in a Purple Striped cat outfit and she never stops smiling.

"Twas brilllig, and the slithy toves, did gyre and gimble in the wabe..." Poppy sang. "Poppy... Why are you a cat!?!" Archer said. "Poppy? I'm not a Poppy, But Yes I'm a Cat a Cheshire Cat, All mimsy were the borogoves..." Cheshire Cat (Poppy) said and sang and then she started to disappear. "Wait! Don't go please!" Archer said. Cheshire Cat (Poppy) started to appear again "very well." Cheshire Cat (Poppy) said. "Third Chorus..." Cheshire Cat (Poppy) said. "Oh no no no... thank you, But I just wanted to ask you which way I ought to go." Archer said. "Well, that depends on where you want to get too." Cheshire Cat (Poppy) said. "Well it really doesn't matter as long as I ge-" Archer said but was caught off by Cheshire Cat (Poppy). "Then It really doesn't matter which way you go!" Cheshire Cat (Poppy) said and turned invisible and walked somewhere leaving footprints where she was going and she reappears on a tree. "Oh by the way, if you really like to know, he went that way." Cheshire Cat (Poppy) said and points in a direction. Archer looks around "who did?" Archer asked. "The white rabbit." Cheshire Cat (Poppy) said. "He did?" Archer said. "He did what?" Cheshire Cat (Poppy) said. "Went that way?" Archer said and pointed a direction. "Who did?" Cheshire Cat (Poppy) said and tilted her head. "The white rabbit!" Archer said. "The white rabbit?" Cheshire Cat (Poppy) said. "But didn't you just say... oh nevermind!" Archer said. "Can you stand on your head?" Cheshire Cat (Poppy) said she took off her head and stand on it. "What!?" Archer said.

"However, if I were looking for the white rabbit I'd ask the Mad Hatter" Cheshire Cat (Poppy) said and points a direction. "Mad hatter?!?" Archer said and looks at a sign that says Mad Hatter. "Uh... no no no, I don't - I don't..." Archer said. "Or there's the March hare In that direction." Cheshire Cat (Poppy) said pointing to a direction. "Oh thank you I think I'll visit him!" Archer said. "Of course he's mad too." Cheshire Cat (Poppy) said. "But I don't want to visit mad people!" Archer said. "Oh, you can't help that. Almost everyone is mad here. Ha... ha ha ha ha ha! You may have noticed that I'm not all there myself...." Cheshire Cat (Poppy) said and started to disappear. "hahaha... and the momeraths outgrabe..." Cheshire Cat (Poppy) said and started to disappear completely. "Jeez if people here are like that I must try not to upset them." Archer said and started walking in a direction.

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