Episode 10 Peter Times 6 Part 2

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Once again sorry for not updating my stories often, I usually get distracted, and then I don't write them for a while. I want to write them again, time just gets out of hand sometimes. sorry if I wrote characters ooc. I actually think I wrote this one a little lazy so it's probably not going to be to good of an episode. 

Peter went to where the clone was outside. "What are you doing?!?" Peter asked his clone. "I'm doing what you asked." The Peter clone said. "this isn't what I asked..." Peter said. "but you did... you told me to go get a smoothie for you," Peter clone said. "no... I didn't" Peter said. "but you did at branches bunker." peter clone said. "peter clone 1..." Peter said. Peter went to where Archer was.

"Hey Archer I forgot to do something at branches clone machine I got to go do that be right back," Peter said and left the actors club place. "Uhm ok," Archer said. on the way as Peter found three more clones "what?!? are you kidding me?" Peter said. "let me guess Peter clone 1 had you do something..." Peter said and all three nodded yes. Peter facepalmed. Peter looked at his watch "oh no it's getting kind of late what if Branch gets back soon... he will know I used the time machine..." Peter panicked. Peter had his three clones follow him. 

Peter went to the actor club because he wasn't sure what else to do so he wanted to ask Archer for advice. "Woah... why is there so many of you peter...Peter, did you use Branches the clone machine?" Archer asked. "yes and I wasn't supposed too and I will be in trouble if I don't hide them because branch told me not to use it..." Peter said. "so why did you use it if he told you not too...?" Archer said. "...well... I will be honest when I had already promised to watch his clone machine I was kind of sad I couldn't go to actors club when you mentioned it so I thought if I clones myself then I could do both... but then I ran into somewhere they were giving free ice cream and I wanted it so I cloned myself again... but the other clones ended up cloning themselves to get what they want... oh Archer I messed up big time!" Peter said. 

"it sounds like you just had too many things you wanted to do at once... but that's usually not possible but it was because of branches clone machine so I understand but in the end it didn't help." Archer said. "yep I think that's exactly what happened." Peter said. "Peter I am sure you could of came to actors club later, it's every day, you can't do everything in one day." Archer said. "yeah, I wish I could of thought of that earlier..." Peter said. "let me help hide your clones, we can pretend like none of this ever happened." Archer said. "ok that sounds good, but we better hurry, branch might be back at his clone machine soon" Peter said. 

So Archer and Peter got all of the five peter clones together and headed back to the where branches machine was. "where are we going to hide them?" Peter asked. "The Fungeon?" Archer asked. "yeah that would be good, do you even have a key for that?" Peter said. "yeah, I sometimes visit it, guess for some odd reason I like visiting it... you think I wouldn't because I was trapped in there but for some reason I do." Archer said. "ok" Peter said and they both out all five of the peter clones in the Fungeon. So Peter and Archer both went back to branches clone machine. "Archer don't you want to go back to actors club?" Peter said. "Nah I always have tomorrow to do that, I'll help you watch branches clone machine." Archer said and smiled. 

The two saw the cloned apple from earlier explode and they screamed. "OH NO" they both said. "that probably mean my clones will explode too 0.0" Peter said "we better get to the fugeon quick" Archer said and they both ran to the fungeon and grabbed the clones and brought them to the machine. "oh no oh no what am I going to do..." Peter Panicked he put a blanket on the clones to hide them but didn't know what to do about them being ticking time bombs. as on que  Branch comes back gathering safety gear. "Ok I'm back with safety gear thanks for watching the clone machine peter. oh hey, Archer. I'm going to try and clone myself now." Branch said. "NO!" Peter and Archer yelled. "Why not?!?" Branch asked.

"look branch..." Peter said guilty. "I ended up using the cloning machine even though you told me not too... I'm so so so Sorry..." Peter said. "are you hurt?" Branch said worried. "I'm not hurt, but I am sorry for using it when you said not too..." Peter said. "well it's ok... at least the machine or you is not harmed, but now that I have safety gear I want to test if this clones me" Branch said. "NO!" Peter and Archer yelled again. "why not?" Branch asked. "because we found out that the clones explode, your cloned apple from earlier exploded..." Peter said and pointed to the apple that was exploded on the ground. "oh... does that mean your clones exploded too?" Branch said. "not exactly" peter said and took off the blanket that was hiding his clones. "I don't feel so good..." said one of the peter clones. "me either..." said another. Branch grabbed Peter and Archer "we need to get out of here there going to explode!" Branch said and him, archer and peter ran from the clones to somewhere safe. the clones exploded and the clone machine was destroyed. 

"oh no your clone machine... I'm really sorry Branch..." Peter said and felt bad. "it's ok Peter it's probably for the best the clone machine is destroyed it was too dangerous." Branch said. "so what now?" Archer asked. "Free Icecream?" Peter said. "Yeah that sounds good" Archer said and Branch nodded yes and all three of them went to the free icecream stand. 

The episode ends here. 

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