The Transformation

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Metropolis Hospital


            "We need a triple dosage of anesthetic in room 8B stat!" A nurse instructs through a communicator.
           Bruce and I started catching up with the nurses rushing towards Damian's ICU room. Screams and destructive noises could be heard as we were running. I started worrying. I got off my feets and flew as fast as I can over everybody and reached the room before Batman.
             What I'm seeing send shivers down my spine.
             Damian's on his legs, but his postures like a zombie... so are his appearance. He's causing chaos to the nurses and doctors who are trying to hold him down.
             "STOP!!" I yelled. "Leave him alone!!" I ran towards them.
             "Get back! He's dangerous!" A Male nurse pushed me back... which really pissed me off.
             "I SAID... LEAVE. HIM. ALONE!" My eyes glowed red to pose as a threat to them. I pushed them aside and approach Damian slowly, cooling down my laser beams.
             "Dami?" I call out. He didn't respond. He looked at me like I'm a stranger as he threatens me by crouching his back and holding out his nails that are now sharps as needles. What really scares me the most was his appearance. His skin had grew out... scales... and the skin on his legs are so dried out that its peeling off. His emerald eyes were replaced with clear white.
           "Damian? Can you hear me?" I held both my hands out as if I was calming a very scared dog.
           "We'll take it from here." Bruce said to the medical people from behind me. "But this-- I'M NOT, ASKING." Batman glared at the doctors who talked back at him.
          "Send me the bill for the damages." He said, approaching near us with his eyes widened with horror.
          "Dami-n..." his voice missed a letter. Damian turned his attention towards Bruce. His eyes were locked on him as he prepares to, from what it looks like... attack Bruce.
            "Uh... Bruce???" I tried reaching him. He didn't respond. His eyes were glued towards Bruce, crouching on the ground.
Damian release a loud screech before he pounce and held out his hand to attack Bruce.
            "BRUCE!" I quickly grabbed him and flew out of the way. "Snap out of it!! We gotta get him into the tank! NOW!!" I said loudly to Batman.
            "Right... right!!" He blinked and shakes his head vigorously. He pulls out a remote and hit the button. In no time, the BatJet was floating behind the window.
            "Grab him and bring him inside!" Bruce said, running towards the window and opening it. He jumped into the Jet and prepares for our arrival.
              "HELP!!!" A nurse cried. I turn around and see Damian standing on a nurses face... crushing her skull. The other doctors were trying to get him off but he wouldn't budge. I quickly flew towards him and circle my arms around his body, lifting him into the air to save the nurse. He kept on trying to escape but I held him tightly as I flew out the window and into the BatJet.
            "Here!" Batman yelled from a corner.
He was standing next to the corner, he was standing on a ladder, holding the top open. The tank looked so much bigger in person. It was roughly three times taller than Bruce that he needed to use a ladder to climb all the way up. It was just as he said. It was decorated beautifully with many aquatic plants and sands. I flew up and drop Damian into the tank. In an instant, Bruce shut the opening and locks it.
           I landed in front of tank where Damian slowly sank to the bottom, motionlessly. Bruce got down and stood next to me.
           "Is he...?" I couldn't say the word. "I... don't know." Bruce said softly.
            I took a step closer towards the tank and press my palms against it. My eyes wanders around his body. He was curled up like an embryo inside the mothers stomach.
  I tried calling out to him. The moment I called out to him, his eyes shot open as he rose up and started banging on the glass with his hands and body.
             "Jon get back!" Bruce grabbed my shoulders and dragged me backwards.
             Suddenly, millions and trillions of bubbles started forming in the waters, surrounding him. He shut his eyes and held his head, screaming because bubbles were also coming out of his mouth. The hospital gown around him began to tear as his skin began to peeling off and grew out more scales.

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