Siren Damian

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Metropolis Hospital


          We sat in silence, watching a Siren who was once a human son to Batman and best friend to me, swimming in a tank... struggling to get out. Monica stood beside us, watching him we well with her arms crossed.
          "I gotta say that he's beautiful. Absolutely, beautiful." Monica spoke through the silence. "But I would rather have him back as a human than a merman." She said.
           "Siren..." I corrected her.
   "Pardon?" She ask.
           "A Siren... the most dangerous mermaid species in the ocean." Batman said.
           "Oh my heavens... it just keeps getting bad isn't it..." she said sarcastically.
           "Bruce!" The door slammed open, shocking everyone in the room. It was Mera and Aquaman.
          "We're here! Has he--- Mera stopped talking the moment she saw Damian in the tank. "Oh my goodness..." she said, walking closer towards him.
          "Careful my Queen." Aquaman said. "We've dealt with Sirens before... this is no difference." She said. "Give me the trident." She held her hand out in front of her husband. Aquaman toss the trident like an old piece of paper towards the Queen and she caught it. "Thanks." She said, looking at Damian.
            "What are you gonna do?" I ask, feeling concerned for Damian. She turn to look at me. "Bring back his human personalities." She said.
         Mera took a deep breath and aim the trident towards Damian. The trident started glowing and so did her eyes. She spoke nothing... but whatever she was doing seems to be working because Damians appearance started to change, again. The scales on his skin began to drop and his skin went back to normal... so did his hands. His tail however, remained unchanged. But the fins on his tail did. His emerald eyes returned. He looked so much more like the Damian I knew... accept for the tail.

           "He's, beautiful

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           "He's, beautiful..." my mind thought. The glow on the trident slowly fades away and the Queen stood up with a straight posture.
         "Damian Wayne... are you with us?" Mera voice sounding like a Queen speaking to her subjects.
          We waited...
  His half opened eyes looked like they just woke up from a long sleep...
         "Why am I in the water?" He asks in a sleepy voice.
        "He's with us." Mera said, smiling an accomplished smile.
          His eyes travelled all over the room before landing them on his tail. Immediately, his eyebrows were raised and eyes were widened.
         "WHAT THE?!?!?!? WHATS THIS?!?! AND HOW AM I BREATHING UNDER WATER??!? HOW AM I TALKING IN WATER?!??!" Many questions he started asking while looking at his tail. He started freaking out. So much, till he didn't notice I was in the room.
         "Damian, Damian.... I need you to calm down." Mera said.
         "WHY WONT IT COME OFF?!" he said, pulling his fins.
         "Damian, listen to me..." Mera got his attention. "Calm down!?! Wh-- Wha WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?!" he ask angrily. "This is not my doing... neither it is Aquaman's." She began with. "Damian, your new look was caused by a someone who was banished from our kingdom many years ago." Aquaman said.
          "WHO and Why???!" Damian yelled.
   "His name is Zayka... as to why he did this? We don't know." Aquaman said.
          I turn back to look at Damian. His expression seemed like he just saw a ghost. His eyes were still, and his mouth was slightly left open, while he sinks to the bottom.
           "Zayka..." he said.
"You know of him?" Mera ask. Damian remained unchanged, not knowing she asked a question. "Damian?" She call him. His eyes looked back at Mera's as he brought his face back to normal.
          "No... I've never heard of that name before...." he said. "Who is he??" His tone sounding so, vague.
          "He's an-- actually, I don't want to know..." Damian cut Mera off.
           "What I really want to know is, HOW DO I GET THIS THING OFF ME?!" He yelled, gesturing to his tail.
          "We... we don't know yet... but we're finding it... for you and the rest." Mera said.
          "The rest??" He raised an eyebrow.
     "Yes... there are others like you in the deep waters of the ocean." She said. "All of them had an encounter with Zayka... and all of them, are dangerous." She continue.
          Damian look around the tank like an animal in a cage, desperately trying to escape. His eyes stopped at my direction.
          "Jon..." he press his hands against the tank.
          "You're safe..." he said, smiling after so long. I shed a tear as I step closer to the tank because of beautiful he is. His hair dances with the water, a little strand here and there passing by his forehead. The scales on his tail glistens with the light attached above the tank.
          "I am... and so are you." I said, smiling.
     "I am... but what is this?" He ask, gesturing to his tail.
           "You're a Siren... a mermaid species." I said.
           He took his eyes of mine and looked at the rest. "Well... how long am I stuck like this?" He ask in a calm voice. I turn to look at them because even I would like to know the answer to his question..
        No one have an answer.
   "I'm sorry Damian but it might be some time." Mera said.
          Damian tilt his head down, hiding the sorrow look on his face. "What do I do now..." he ask, not looking at anyone.
         "Have patience. We are still looking for Zayka. Ones we find him, we'll make him tell us the cure himself... by any means necessary." Aquaman said.
           "For now, let's see, whether or not you can breathe air." Mera said, walking towards the tank. She started climbing up the ladder next to the tank.
           "How do you move this thing??!" Damian struggles to move his tail.
           "Push your tail back and forth. Use your arms and hands as support by stroking upwards." She said as she climbs up.
         Damian lift his arms up and push down, lifting his body up, and moving his tail back and forth. He made it up where Mera waits for him.
           "Fast learner." Mera scoffs.
     "What do you expect..." Damian replied.
           The moment Mera opened the top of the tank, my throat felt as if something suddenly gripped it tight. My hands rushed to my throat, finding the cause of it.
           "Yes, I can breathe air." Damian said from above.
           And that's when, the pain became really bad. My throat felt like it's being squeeze by gigantic set of hands. I started gagging out loud as I got to my knees.
           "Jon?!" Bruce call out.
    "What's wrong with him?!" Damian shout from the top. Waters started welling up in my eyes.
         "His eyes is turning red!" Monica said, holding my chin up and checking my eyes.
         "Jon!!" Damian call. My voice is begging to say something but couldn't.
          But all a sudden, everything just, stopped. Everything. My eyes glance around the room, confuse. I also realise that my body was on the ground. Monica was in front of me, and Bruce next to me.
          "Please tell me I'm not crazy..." I said. "No, Jonathan, you're not..." Monica said. 
           "Look." She points behind me, where the tank is. I turn my head to see Damian back in the water... looking at me with fear in his eyes.
          "Jon? You're okay?" He ask.
    "Yeah... I am now. But... what was that?!" I said, standing on my feets.
            "Oh no..." I overheard Mera's mutter from above. I instantly turn to face her.
           "What?! What was that?!" I ask her. She jumped back to the ground and took a deep breath.
           "I'm sorry to say this... but that was his Siren abilities." She said.
            "What ability?!" Damian ask.
     "But.... but he didn't even get out of the tank yet." I said.
           "So long as his body is out, his ability will take place and cause... unexplainable problems." She said. "The Sirens doesn't need to touch to kill something." She ended.
          "You mean... I almost killed Jon??" Damian ask.
          Mera stood silent for a while. She then look at Damian with sad eyes.

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