Mourn of a Prince

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The Shoreside of an Island located somewhere around the Indian Ocean
Time- Daylight

           On an island where no human has ever dared to step foot on due to the rumors of the island being haunted by a man-eating ghost, is where the mischievous Prince rest when he wants to feel the wind crashing against his face for a change.
           He rests a few feet away from the shore, on low tides, on his tail crossed while feeling the waves gently crashing against his chest.

           The Prince had just finished his encounter with the murders of his loved ones, Damian Wayne

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           The Prince had just finished his encounter with the murders of his loved ones, Damian Wayne. He came towards the surface to think of another suitable way to make his enemy suffer even more.
           The first option was to poison him but apparently, that'll kill him instantly he thought. Another option is to torture him with blades and spears which wouldn't be enough as well.
           But instead of continuing his thoughts, his mind drifted away to the past... more specifically, the day where his loved ones were murdered.
           He abandoned his thoughts for revenge for a moment and his mind visited the past.


             The royal Depth family decided to take a break from their royal duties and go on a vacation to one of the Caribbean Islands at the southeast of the Gulf of Mexico. His royal highness, King Louie and Queen Lydia. The Princesses, the eldest, Jane and second eldest, Elizah and the youngest Prince, Zayka. Lastly, miss Aqua Jewel, lady royal to Prince Zayka.
             They left their kingdom in the hands of their people along with the kingdoms guard before the left. They've also brought along a number of guards to accompany them on the vacation and to also ensure their safety.
             The family put away their Atlantian armors and sea behaviors as the arrived onshore. The found a gorgeous Inn located just a few steps away from the beach. The staff in The Beach Side Inn welcomed the royal members with open arms and warm greetings and provided the most luxurious room in their Inn.
             The family had a lot of fun playing human activities as well as eating, watching human technologies, and many more. The king and queen had time to just lay back and savor each other's company while the prince, his lover, and princesses went outdoors to play jetskis, kites, water wars, and build a sandcastle.
             Everything was perfect for the first couple of days.
             Until... the League of Assassins stepped in. They've slaughter every royal guard without thinking twice and threat the staff and customers of the Inn to leave the place or get killed.
             By doing this, there's no one around to help the royal family or be a witness.        
             Chaos took over the peace when the League of Assassins barged in the family's room. The Depth family was at the mercy of the clan leader's hand, or, the king is. Their powers had been affected by smoke bombs that the assassins had scattered around the room.
            "Surrender the King, and the rest of you shall live." The clan leader, Talia Al Ghul ordered as she held her katana towards the family as a sign of threat. "Fail to cooperate with me, and I'll take him by force."
            Though Talia had given the Depth family many chances to surrender their leader, the Depth family refuses to. The princesses begged for their lives but failed because Talia didn't tolerate any of those.
            With one simple instruction, the assassins were given their orders to kill everyone excluding the king.
            The youngest Prince, Zayka Depth was in his early teens at that time, to which he was still too young to learn any defensive spells. In this situation, it made him useless in defending others and himself. He could only use his words which weren't effective. The poor Prince watched helplessly as the assassins brutally ended his family's life by stabbing and slicing flesh.
            His sisters were lying dead on the floor with their necks bleeding from a deep cut. The King had been shot with needles containing anesthesia in them, knocking him out.
            The queen had a dagger on her back, she dropped on her cheek as she struggles to look at her son who was a few steps in front of her. The Prince was restrained by two assassins holding him down. He started crying uncontrollably as he tries reaching his mother's hand but she held her palm up, saying to stay where he is.
            She lightly smiles through her mouth stained with blood as her eyes turn red and begin to cry.
            "I lov--
            Before she could finish, she was stabbed through the heart from behind by another dagger, killing her instantly.
            "MOM!!!" The Prince yelled as he pushed the assassin's grip on his shoulders and started approaching his mother but he was pushed back with a hard single punch by Damian.
            Talia's son, Damian Al Ghul wasn't about to sit down and watch as other assassins do their job. He too wanted to attack so he chose to attack the defenseless Prince. By using his katana, he broke the left leg of the young prince, stabbed his arms, and broke his jawline.
            The Prince had not lifted a single hand to protect himself for he did not know how to properly do so. The son of Talia kept attacking the Prince mercilessly that the Prince was on the ground, curled up. He began crying even more when he saw his family dead on the ground.
            He heard a soft suffering cry coming from the end of the room, he looked up to see that his lover, Aqua Jewel, was being tortured by an assassin who was holding her hair.
            Zayka was too focused on his family that he has forgotten his lover was also in the room and was also being tortured.
            "Please!!!" He screamed while angry sad tears rolled out of his eyes. "Leave her alone!"
            "Zayka!" She yells the moment she hears him. "NO! Don't move!"
            The assassins didn't obey anyone's commands except their leader. Without any hesitation, a katana was stabbed through Aqua's stomach. She had lost her strength to speak up or even stay up. The moment the assassin let go of her hair, she fell to her knees and on the side of her face.
            The Prince froze in horror as he saw his lover dead too. More and more tears formed and flowed out his eyes.
            "AQUA!!!" He yelled her name very loudly.
            The prince tried avoiding the pain as he slowly crawls towards his lover. Unfortunately, his efforts failed due to a powerful slash towards his face by Damian. Then he kicked the Prince ruthlessly that it knocked the Prince further away from his lover and at the heels of the leader.
            "You assholes barged into my home, demanded for my father, and killed the rest of my family... WHY?! WHAT DID WE EVER DO TO YOU?!" He yelled at the leader while constantly coughing blood.
            "That is none of your concern!" The leader replied. "We asked you to surrender him free will but your family wouldn't cooperate so... we took him using our way just like we told you from the start."
            "F*ck you bitch!" The Prince used curse words due to his rage firing up.
            "Big words for a little fish... cute." She said.
            Talia got on her knees to match the height of the crouching prince on the floor. She places her finger below his chin and forces it up to meet her eyes.
            "Consider yourself grateful that we didn't kill you." She said before releasing his chin.
            "I'm about to!" Her son stepped him with his katana held out.
            "NO!" She said sternly.
            "Why do you car--
            "I SAID NO!" She said loudly as she stood on her feet and face her son. "I am your mother, you listen to ME!"
            Damian felt threatened by her words but at the same time, slightly hurt. He avoided her eyes as he puts away his katana and responded to his mother.
            "Yes, mother." He said.
            "Good." She places her hand on his head. "Now, let's get back, I'm sure your grandfathers impatient to do his rituals on this man."
            The assassins withdraw as the leader and her son started walking towards the exit while dragging alone the king who is knocked out unconscious.
            The Prince mourn as he watched his father being dragged out and slowly disappearing from his sight.
            "Forgive me, pa." The Prince began sobbing. "I love you."
            Soon, the entire clan had left the room. Which leaves the only survivor of the Depth family, the Prince... or so he thought.
            The Prince closed his eyes and not long his tears became uncontrollable. He yells the names of his parents, siblings, everyone that he lost in the room.
            Then, a very soft familiar voice caught his attention. He knew it immediately that it was his lover that called him.
            He lifts his head and turns around to see his lover making an effort to speak up. He immediately started crawling towards her with all the strength he has left.
            "Aqua!" He called her out.
            He reached her and gently held her in his arms. He was stunned to see his lover covered with blood because he never thought he would ever see her in this condition. His eyes gaze down towards the katana in her stomach. He was about to pull it out but he stopped because he realized if he does, she'll lose even more blood than she already is.
            He looked into her eyes to which he can see that she's struggling so much to stay alive. Her eyes are filled with pain and her lips shivering to speak out.
            The waves crashing outside the room opened Zayka's mind. He decided to go to Atlantis to get some help for both of them.
            He could already see that she's in no position to move so he had to stand on his good leg and force his body to be strong as he carries his lover. His arms had deep cuts and holes. In the process of carrying her bridal position, he had to endure the excruciating pain all over his body for the sake of his lovers' life.
            Before he left the room, he took one last glance to see if there are any more survivors. Once he confirmed that there are no other survivors, he turns around and heads towards the beach.
            He had to limp faster with his good leg as he kept crying due to the physical pain and loss of his family.
            "Zayka... S-s-stop." Aqua tries to speak up.
            "Hang in there, please you have to!" He said as he was about to reach the beach. "We're gonna make it."
            He reached the beach and wasted no time as he limps straight into the ocean and started swimming with one of his foot paddling.
            When he reached waters with deeper depth, he started sinking but every last strength in his body, he paddles, and paddles. Unfortunately, he couldn't move at a faster rate because his lover was the weight of his injured body.
            He kept paddling, both of his legs but he wasn't getting anywhere.
            Aqua reached her hand on his cheeks to which it made him stun as he stops and sinks to the bottom, landing on the seabed.
            "Zayka, s-stop." She said as she cups his cheeks. "I'm not going to make it... even if I do, I don't want to live like this."
            "Don't say that!" He said in a sad furious tone. "I just need to call for help! You'll be alright!"
            "No." She said as her hand slowly released his cheek. "Listen to me."
            "What's done is done. Do not try to fix things beyond your power." She said weakly. "Some things are meant to be. No matter how much we dislike it."
            "This was murder!" The Prince held her hand. "It's not something that's meant to be!"
            "But it's done." She smiles weakly. "Zayka, I love you. At least I got to say that before I die."
            "No no... please!!" He squeezes her hand.
            "I've never regret being by your side all those times. I am thankful that every single day I wake up, I get to see you." She held her wounds. "Today's the last day I'll see you. I wish I had more time..."
            The Prince started crying and so did Aqua. On land, their tears could be seen, but not in the ocean. For they only feel it, not see it.
            "Remember, no matter how much you want to, do not... seek revenge." She said. "It's not worth it because all it does is gives you temporary satisfaction and permanent problems."
            "Not seek revenge?! HOW COULD I NOT?!" He said outrageously. "What am I suppose to do?! Let them live?!"
            "Yes." She said to which shocked the Prince. "Someday they'll receive their own punishment for which you aren't the one to provide it."
            "Go back home and re-rebuild th--."
            "Aqua, please..... Let me avenge my--
            The Prince lost his words when he realized his lovers' eyes weren't moving. He called out to her but she didn't respond. He knew what has taken place but he couldn't accept it. He released her hand and press his ears against her chest, over her heart.
            He closed his eyes and started wheezing again when there was no sound of her heart beating. He screams so loud that it chased every swimming creatures away.

End of Flashback

            The Prince came back to his senses when his tears rolled out of his eyes onto his body. He blinked rapidly as more tears rolled out of his eyes. He wipes them away with his fingers. It didn't take long before he started sobbing.
            No matter how much he breathes in and out, the tears wouldn't stop forming and coming out. The Siren Prince didn't realize that he's been bottling his sadness for so many years... or he just didn't know he was crying because he couldn't see his tears while in the sea.
            He gave up forcing himself to stop crying and just let the tears flow. He let out a loud, long, and painful scream at the same time. He slams the waters around him furiously to let out some frustrations and anger... which it didn't help much.
            "Aqua..." He said under his breath. "I m-miss you... so much."
            "Forgive me for not listening to you. You have every right to be disappointed at me."
            "But he's taken everything from me."
            The Prince raises his head to view the open seas as he clenched his fist under the waves.

"            The Prince raises his head to view the open seas as he clenched his fist under the waves

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Angry tears flow out instead of sadness from his red eyes. His anger made the spikes on his back flexed.
            "He started this... and I'll end him if it's the last thing I do!"

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