Enjoying the Perks

725 32 12

Gotham City
Wayne Manor, Damian's Room


Voicemail -- Good morning sweetie, by knowing you, im sure you're still asleep at this hour. Anyways, call me when you're free okay, I wanna make sure everything fine with you. I love you. -- end of voicemail.

            Thankfully mom's voicemail woke me up because I didn't set an alarm last night.
            I toss and turn around the bed and stopped at the window position. Gotham City is bright today, but no sun.


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            I turn my head back to face the ceiling stared at the mini chandelier hanging from above. It then hit me that I was on Damian's bed. I remembered very correctly that we were watching a movie last night. I also did remember feeling extremely sleepy after a while.
            I think I might have fallen asleep but... how did I end up here? Shouldn't I be asleep in the cinema room couch?
            I guess someone must have carried me here. Wow... I must've been out cold to not realize that I was being carried. But who carried me?
            I'll just find out later. Right now, I need a shower. I got out of bed and stretched my arms up high in the air while releasing a big yawn.
            Yesterday, I had a really good sleep. Could it be because I was sleeping on Damian's gigantic king sized bed with four cotton stuffed pillows or that I'm just really tired and had no room for dreams or nightmares.
             I think it's the first point.
            "Good morning Damian," I said, looking out the window again.
            I'm sure my hair's a big fat mess now because my fringe was blocking my view. I comb them to the side as I walked over to my backpack to pull out my toothbrush, towel and a pair of clean clothes.
            One's I've got everything I needed, I head towards the bathroom and start cleaning up.
            No matter how many times I've used this bathroom, I'll seriously never get tired of it because it is just beautiful. It's huge!

            I strip down and wrap a towel around my waist, preparing to clean my face and brush my teeth first

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            I strip down and wrap a towel around my waist, preparing to clean my face and brush my teeth first. Looking at myself in the mirror, my eyes caught sight of the bathtub behind me. I started thinking if maybe I should take a soak because I've never ever tried it before.
            Maybe I'll try it later afternoon or evening.
            I picked up my toothbrush, wet it and slide on some toothpaste on it and start brushing my teeth. While brushing, my eyes gazed back to the tub.
            I move them away from the tub and towards Damian's facial products standing in front of me. But it went back to the tub again.
            "Oh what the heck." And that's when I decided to just have a soak right now.
            I grip the toothbrush with my teeth and walked over to the tub. There were three types of water tap to choose from. There's one that's labeled, hot, and another, cold and another, warm. Since it was a chilly morning, I decided to go with hot water.
            I hit the hot water button and in seconds, the tub automatically shuts the drain hole and starts filling up. The water pressure was really strong, not to mention fast.
            When that was done, I continue brushing my teeth and turn around to walk back to the sink to gargle.
            After I'm done my brushing my teeth, as well as washing my face, I head over to the shower cubical and showered myself clean. I figured it's better to clean myself up first before entering the tub.
            I don't know why but I think it's better that way instead of entering while you're still dirty.

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