Chapter 9: Confrontations and Surprises

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I didn't see her the rest of the day. I woke up slightly worried. I mean, I understood if she wanted space, but this was my day off, and I wouldn't get another in 2 weeks. Being a day off, I was in my room, literally twiddling my thumbs most days, but today was special because I had a surprise for Mer. I kept on waiting.

2 knocks at my door.

Could this bitch leave me alone for once?

I opened my door to Juliana... again.

"Hello Elder, how are you this fine morning?"

"Just fine, thank you Scribe."

She peered into my quarters.

"Are you here for any particular reason?"

"Isn't that Knight Storm's cap?"

Ingram came to me yesterday with Mer's beloved cap. She wore it almost everywhere. Not often when she put her hair down, which she usually wore when she came to see me.

"Yes, someone came and asked me to return it to her when she next reports in."

"She does seem to... visit you quite a bit."

I internally panicked but I kept my composure. She noticed. If anyone would have noticed, it would have been her.

"You know, I saw her yesterday. She seemed upset. Crying in the bathroom."

If she was lying I was going to... I don't know what I'd do but it wouldn't be good! Mer was crying? Why? Was she hurt? Who the fuck would try and hurt her?

"Do you have any idea as to why, Scribe?"

I was desperate.

"No sir, but it's nice to see you so concerned over your soldiers Elder."


"Is that all you came here for Scribe?"

"I worry about her Elder. She seems upset, and closer to you than she is to me. Perhaps you can talk to her when she gets back."

"When she... gets back?"

"Oh yes, she took a mission from knight Rhys yesterday after she stormed out of the bathroom. Seemed very determined."

I was get worked up over nothing, right? She was fine, right?

"Well I should be going. Ad Victorium Elder." She turned without another word.

I stayed in my room, pacing for what seemed like days, when really, it was only 3 hours. There was a few other times someone would knock as ask if I was ok. I hadn't eaten yet. I'd dismiss them swiftly. Another knock.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Moi" the voice on the other end responded.

I opened my door slowly to see Mer there, not exactly frowning, but not smiling.

"Come in, please."

She entered slowly.

"Is everything alright?" I asked worryingly.

"No, unfortunately."

My heart dropped. Before I could say anything she spoke again.

"Look, you've been good to me, so Imma shoot you straight. I heard some... unsettling things... about you. About us. I needed to go blow off some steam yesterday before I came to see you so I'd be level headed and not make drama."

"Okay." I couldn't find any other words.

"It was... suggested that you were with me only to secure heirs to your throne and a decent First Lady for the Brotherhood."

It felt like someone had stabbed me in the heart with a shard of broken glass.

"That is what this is all about?"

She looked at her feet nodding.

I pulled her into a hug.

"My love. You need to know that I don't care about that at all. If it were up to me, I wouldn't even have children. Not because... I don't like children, I do! I just would rather have them when I'm ready. I'm still a boy, but if there is anything I know for sure, it's this. I love you. Nothing, and I mean nothing, will ever change the way I feel about you. I don't care if you don't want kids, if you don't want to get married, or if your best friend is a feral ghoul, I love you."

Her head was buried in my chest. She started almost spazzing and I felt a wet spot on my jumpsuit. I tilted her chin up to me to see she was crying. Her eyes were extremely bloodshot, her cheeks puffy and red. It broke my heart.

"Hey, hey, hey, shh, sweet pea? Sweet pea look at me." She did. "You need to know I'm not going to ever hurt you. I don't want to ever hurt you and I'll fight anyone who tries. I love you, I promise. Oh, please don't cry precious, please don't cry." She smiled at me through her tears and squinting eyes.

"I... love you... too" she sobbed.

"Shh, sweet pea, it's ok. Come here, I have a surprise for you love."

She nodded. I led her to my couch and crouched down to look at her in the eye.

"Close your eyes sweet pea."

She closed them and I kissed her on the forehead. I went to the bathroom where I was hiding the small tv. A working tv. It didn't take much to get the tv to work, but someone found a decent recording of her favourite movie. I placed it in front of the couch and put the movie in. I set it up, ready for it to start. I turned it on.



bagithi baba!

She opened her eyes wide and stared at the small screen.

"NO" she said completely baffled.

"Heh heh, Lion King, right?"

"I... no, where...? Where did you find this?"

"A few scouts found it and brought it back. Do you like it?"

"Yes! Oh my gosh, Arthur!" She pulled me down on the couch next to her.

"We are going to watch this Arthur, and you are going to love it."

I did.

The film was just... incredible!

The animation, my God, it must have taken years to do it.

"Well?" She asked as the credits began to roll.

"It... it was amazing! Wow I loved the music, so well done. Can you feel the love tonight? So good!" She laughed and nuzzled into my chest. It felt good to see her smile again.

"Wanna go to sleep, love?"

"Mhmm" she said sleepily.

I scooped her up into my arms bridal style and carried her to my bed, setting her down gently. I crawled in next to her and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her close to me.

"Come here, love." I said kissing the top of her head. I sort of wanted to have sex, but I needed her to know that I loved her for far more than just her body. I loved her for her, and she needed to know that.

She kissed my collarbone directly in front of her.

"I love you." She murmured.

"I love you too." I said.

For some reason, I thought of the way Juliana came in today. Almost knowing I had Mer's hat. Knowing all these things about Mer. It made me wonder if she was to the one to plant the ideas of mistrust into her mind. It made me angry to know Juliana might have hurt her emotionally. I wanted to ask but I didn't want to ruin our perfect moment with it, so I promised I'd ask her later. Tomorrow morning or later tonight when her nightmares woke her. For now, I was content. She was content. This was bliss.

I started falling asleep when a very catchy tune popped into my head.

Can you feel the love tonight?

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