Chapter 13: Come Back, Please

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The thing that hurt most was the fact that it was my fault. Three weeks ago, she came to me with the plans for a molecular relay, and began her work with Ingram to complete, leaving me here without her. Here. Alone. Like I have been. If we had agreed to take time away from each other, I'd be fine, but it was my fault. I couldn't keep my big mouth shut for a while longer and it hurt us. She came to see my two to three times a week. We'd share a passionate kiss, talk for 20 minutes, give another kiss goodbye, and she'd leave me here in my drafty room with nothing but my shadow and my whiskey to keep me company. The crowd surrounding my quarters never died down. Everyone wanted a glimpse at who would stay the night with me. My bed became increasingly colder, and I recently began to cry myself to sleep. I missed her. Her laugh. Her ridiculous stories. Her cringe-worthy puns. The look she gave me when she thought I was an idiot. The half smile she tried to hide when I told a bad joke. The way she threw her head all the way down and back up again, flipping her long locks out of her face. Her delicate touch. Her understanding eyes. Everything. I'd do anything to spend an extra 20 minutes with her. She'd been so dead set on the relay that she didn't visit me at all for the last seven days. What is wrong with me? I never felt this bad being alone. Before, I was quite comfortable being alone, and now...

There were a few knocks at my door.


Mer walked in and closed the door. I stalked towards her and pressed my lips to hers hungrily. Her arms wrapped around my neck and she pressed herself into me. I held her close, relishing the warmth, knowing I wouldn't feel it again for a while. We pulled away reluctantly and I buried my face into the crook of her neck.


"Stop saying your sorry. You didn't know this would happen." She patted my hair down and kissed my cheek. I didn't know what to say. I'd apologized to her nonstop over the past week.

"The relay is done." She sighed.

"No." I looked down at her. "No, wait. You can't go."

She touched my cheek and rubbed it with her thumb.

"My son is in there Arthur. My baby boy. I have to go."

"No, no!" I tightened my grip on her,

"What happens if it goes wrong?! What if I lose you?! I can't..."

No, Arthur, no, fight back those tears dammit.

She wiped away the tears that's started rolling down my cheeks regardless of my inner monologue.

"I trust Ingram, she didn't want me to go either, but I have to."

"T-the Brotherhood ball. It's in 2 weeks. I was going to ask you..."

"I'll try and make it love, but I need you to be my rock. I need you to be strong for me."

I chuckled dryly, "You're my rock if anything."

I kissed her again, feeling the way she shivered slightly at the air conditioning that cooled my room even more.

"Tomorrow is the day."

"Okay. Tell me another one of your stories."

She smiled and I pulled her towards my bed. She sat on my lap and started caressing my scarred cheek.

"Did I tell you about the time my Thanksgiving turkey exploded?"

The hell?

"Don't know what a Thanksgiving turkey is."

"It's like a radchicken but a lot bigger. It was a time to celebrate everything you were thankful for, and we ate turkey. Now you know what deep frying is?"

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