Chapter 18: The End

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I woke up, fully expecting to never see those piercing overhead lights again. No one was in the room. The monitor beeped in sync with my heart. I wanted to cry, part of me delighted to be back, another part feeling screwed over by the world once more. Maxon was nowhere in sight. I suppose it was for the better, I should probably rest.

Yeah. Rest.


This world can officially kiss my ass. And Esmeralda can too. The girl got hurt so much, it felt like every time she got a scratch, my heart snapped in two. Now look at her. Pale, unmoving, possibly on her deathbed. I cried more in two days than I have my entire life. At this point, nothing came out, I just gasped and trembled. Cade pointed out some movement yesterday, but I didnt pay much attention. Comas were no joke and I wasnt about to get my hopes up for more heartbreak. I sat in my room, up to my nose in paperwork, trying to distract myself from my dying fiancée about 100 feet away. There was a knock on the door.


Ingram stood a bit uncomfortably at the door.


I was in no mood for informalities.

"I just came to tell you some good news" she said, straightening up, a small smile on her face.

"Very well, what is it?" I said, convincing myself not to listen to her.

"Its Esmeralda sir."

I looked up, unable to ignore that name.

"What?" I breathed out.

"She's awake".

Immortal words I never thought I would hear. I leaped from my chair and pushed Ingram out of the way. By the time I reached Cades office, I probably broke a Brotherhood sprinting record. Cade slowed me down.

"Alright look, I get it, but you have to calm down, alright?" He was very stern, "No touching besides hand holding, no kissing, no raising your voice, nothing that might cause her stress, got it?"

I nodded, my throat was too dry to say anything.

Cade slowly walked in before me, opening curtains to a wide awake woman I never thought Id see again.

"Hey you" She spoke, her voice straining.

I sat down next to her and held her hand, saying nothing.

"So... did you miss me?" She smirked.

I laughed dryly, "You have no idea"

She squinted "Are those tears I see?"

I wiped away at my wet eyes, "ears of joy, Ill have you know".

We both smiled and sat in silence. It was nice, almost like a relief. She looked at me, a new sort of worry on her face.

"So who was it?"

A pretty loaded question.


She nodded a little, almost expecting that answer.

"Shes dead".

She jerked her head to my direction.

"Cade saw what happened, he shot her leg to stop her but she pointed at you again. He shot again, but that one directly at her back."

I didn't care much for Juliana, never actually saw her as a threat, but what happened made me want to burn her corpse and throw her off the Prydwen.

"Is this a bad time to tell you Im pregnant?"

I froze.

Pregnant? With... my...? But how did she... but that means... well clearly Cade must have... why did he say... was this a bad time... if I knew... I mean... I would have suffered even more... but I had the right to... she should have told me... or should she have... but I'm the father... did that bullet... no Cade would have said something... is it still... I mean she said she was currently... unless case didn't tell... but they spoke before...

There was snapping in front of my eyes.

"Houston, we have a problem, Arthur doesn't seem to be responding"

Was I not saying anything?

"Uh, Arthur? I asked you if you were ok?"

I smiled slowly

"Ok? Ok? I just found out my fiancée is alive, she's carrying my child, everything is more than ok!" She laughed in relief "Well thank God for that".

I leaned in very slowly and gave her a small kiss. She groaned, "Thats it?"

"You aren't in condition for more. Doctors orders" I was not about to jeopardize her health for my dick.

"Fine, but you owe me one"

I smiled again and kissed her forehead, "deal".

One year later

I woke up in a cold sweat. A ringing in my ears, looking at the clock by my head. The lights blinked 4:07.

"I got it" I groaned, getting up and walking to the small crib that held my most precious treasures. Had no idea treasure would waking me up this early. I picked up the little girl, with eyes like mine and a face like her mothers. Esmeralda appeared next to me, picking up little Alex, the boy that looked just like me if it werent for the tiny brown curls on his little head. I looked at little Jessica in my arms, named after my mother. Alex named after Esmeraldas father. Both bore the name Maxson and would one day rise the ranks of the Brotherhood, but for now, all they wanted was to be comforted. As tired as I was, this life right here, I would never trade. Not for all the riches in the world, not for the most powerful army. And her. I wouldnt trade her for anything or anyone. This life was the life I always the wanted. She was the person I always wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

I think the feeling is mutual.

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