Chapter 16: We'll Make This Work

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A duffle bag of aluminium cans, wonder glue, used motor oil, and fans was all I needed to rebuild the institute transporter to make it back in. Sanctuary was the ideal place. Full of resources and willing hands to help out. Preston greeted me at the gate.

"Pres...ton?" His face was angry, and appeared more so the closer he got to me.

"Goddam, General, it's gone. The food, our supplies. We barely have enough for anything." He growled at the last part and began mumbling.

"Preston" I dropped my bag and placed my hands firmly on his shoulders, "what happened?"

He looked up at me almost hopelessly "The Brotherhood..."

My mind nearly blanked but I somehow kept my composure.

"The came in here with their power armour and mini guns. Demanded us to give them our scrap supplies and any food that wasn't currently growing" harvesting season had just finished, I could see the horror in his eyes "It's gone General. All of it."

I gave him my bag, "Take this and put it in the workbench for me. I have to talk to someone..."

That grenade didn't call a vertibird quick enough. I sat on that thing hoping, praying, the food went uneaten, the scrap wasn't used yet.

The Vertibird landed, and by the time it did, I was pissed.

I marched up to the elders quarters, not caring for the people that got in my way. There was no one there. Even more pissed, I went to the small room they used as a conference room. I banged on the door so loudly, I think the entire Prydwen heard me. Teagan answered, seemingly annoyed,

"Knight, now is not the time." He growled at me.

"I need to see Elder Maxson." Not my Arthur, not my Maxy, not my sweet pea. I need to see the Elder of the motherfucking Brotherhood of Steel."

"In case you haven't noticed, Elder Maxson is in a meeting, and you" he pointed a bony finger at me, "are supposed to be rebuilding the teleporter."

"I don't need to discuss my issues with you, Teagan, I need to discuss them with the Elder."

He scoffed,

"The Elder does not have time for a visit from his whore, come back another time." The door slammed in my face before I could react to-

Oh. Oh. Fuck. To. The. No.

A screwdriver was all I had left in my bag. The one I used to pick locks.

Guess it'll have to do.



"So once the teleporters have transported the scientists, you're saying..."

Teagan returned from God knows where. The smug grin on his face was more than unnerving.

"We'll be left with coursers, mostly gen 1 and gen 2 synths." Ingram replied, eyes glued to the plans.

The door rattled. No one else noticed. Before I could say anything, the door opened from the wrong way with a very angry looking Esmeralda. Tomato red face with nothing but a screwdriver in her hand.

"I can't believe you-" Teagan stammered, standing from his chair.

"Elder Maxson, I need to speak with you." She said way too calmly.

"Of course, in a-"

"Now" she growled.

Whoa shit. I raised an eyebrow. She didn't usually raise her voice at anyone, especially me.

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