Chapter 12: Missing The Warmth You Bring

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I knew it'd be difficult to explain to Arthur that my baby boy is actually half his age and most likely in the Institute. It broke my heart and I needed to tell Arthur about everything I discovered this week.

The moment I walked onto the Prydwen, everything seemed off. I was gone a solid week, what could have gone on that made everyone so hush hush? I wanted Arthur, but I also needed a damn shower. Goodneighbor and Diamond City have their own scent that smells repulsive when added together. I went into the showers and enjoyed the much needed hot water and light steam coming out of it. Once I got dressed, I went to Arthur's room to see the handful of people idly standing around, occasionally whispering to each other. I had a manila folder with me so it looked as if I meant to report to Arthur when really I just wanted to sleep next to him and let my stress go in his embrace. Maybe bang a little.

I walked into his room and closed the door behind me, seeing Arthur stand there doing his paperwork.

"Please leave the files on the table there and I'll get to it as soon as possible." There was a table with several files near the door.

"What, no kiss?" He whipped around and ran to me so fast I didn't even notice until several spins in that he picked me up and was twirling me around. I came back from the probably one of the worst weeks of my life, and all of it melted away in his arms. I started laughing from the joy and he slowed down to start kissing my face. This man was fucking adorable. He dropped me to hold my face in his hands. He just looked at me. That way. The way he always did. Full of love and something else that made me feel warm and super fuzzy inside.

"So what's up honey? What's with the sudden fans lingering outside your door?" His face changed to annoyance and maybe a very subtle panic.

"Yes, the soldiers know about us." Figures.

"Who said anything? Was it Juliana? I'll cut that bitch." He chuckled... nervously?

"Actually sweet pea... it was me."

I took a step back but kept a firm grip on his biceps. I wasn't mad, which I could probably credit to my very laid back demeanour, but I was confused about his change in attitude.

"Arthur Maxson, are you on chems?" He laughed,

"I'm afraid the only thing I've ever been addicted to is you, love."

This man had a talent for turning anything into a compliment. Not that I was complaining.

"Look, you can't be here for long, everyone is going to start getting suspicious..." I held on to him tighter.

"So looks like spending nights together is not a possibility?" He looked disappointed.

"I'm so sorry sweet pea. I was stupid, I was impatient and willing to settle on everyone knowing I was... I just, I'm so happy. With you, I wanted everyone to... with all the men around here, that they knew you..." I pressed my lips against his adorable little self conscious face.

"It's okay honey, we'll work though it."

"O-kay" he mumbled against my lips.

I turned around and left, knowing I'd have to tell him sooner or later that my son is in the Institute, that I know how they get in and out, and that I have the blueprints to create a molecular relay. I went into the knight's quarters and found my way into the bed I used to sleep in every night. I climbed in and shut my eyes. I heard familiar rapid footsteps at the edge of my bed.

"Here to give me a goodnight kiss Rhys?" I smirked without opening my eyes.

"Don't you have to be an asshole somewhere else Storm?"

"Not till 4:00" I said smirking at the reference he didn't get.


"Thank you Rhys. I always knew you found me attractive."

"Ugh, fuck off."

"You hear anything about the Elder's new flame?"

"New? He was probably a virgin before this chick." Rhys, my man, you're not wrong.

"Besides that's old news."

"I just got back from a mission, I didn't hear about this until only a few hours ago." He didn't say anything.

"Who do you think it is?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"Probably some sentinel no one knows about."

"I think it's you Rhys. I think you're cheating on me." I always took the chance to annoy Rhys whenever the moment presented itself. He scoffed.

"Elder Maxson isn't my type."

"Then I think it's Haylen." Quiet again. I opened my eyes to see Rhys was on his bed cleaning his guns, but he had a white knuckle grip on the towel He was using to clean it with.

"I don't think Haylen would... do that." I almost forgot Haylen confessed her love to Rhys, and Rhys rejected her. I decided to push his buttons. Probably a bad idea, but fuck it.

"Yeah, I bet it's Haylen. She's so kind hearted and dedicated to the Brotherhood..." I sat up in my bed to see his face snarling.

"...I bet Elder Manson appreciates that. Appreciates her."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Rhys spat out, looking at me with a fire in his eyes.

"I just think Elder Maxson could appreciate Haylen and give her the attention she deserves. Attention, long over due." He gritted his teeth but eventually relaxed, going back to cleaning his laser rifle. Was he regretful? I knew Haylen still had feelings for Rhys, but what about Rhys?

"After all... Haylen deserves someone who reciprocates her feelings, doesn't she?"

That did it. He got up, leaving his rifle parts unattended and stormed out. So Rhys was regretful. Good. He should see that he hurt Haylen, now he was hurting, as he should be.

I laid back down and looked at the ventilation system above me. Shaun was in the Institute. My baby was 10 years old. What would Arthur think of that? Even if he took him in, his age would mean he was 10 years old when Shaun was born and I would have been 17. Maybe having a father figure so close in age to Shaun would be beneficial.

Whoa whoa whoa calm the fuck down Esmeralda. What on earth makes you think Arthur is going to accept Shaun? He's your son, not his. You two aren't even officially together. But... Arthur loved me. He'd at least be accepting of Shaun right?

I couldn't sleep. The lack of Arthur's arms around me and peace of mind was driving me insane. Everyone was starting to drift off into bed now, the only problem was that I wasn't sleeping and that Rhys' bed was still empty. I got up quietly and went to the library. I found several books but I couldn't find the one I was looking for. I went back to the room and fished around my crate of stuff until I found what I was looking for. The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli. If I ever felt bad, I'd read, and tonight, I was feeling particularly interested in Machiavelli's advice on leadership. Probably because the book reminded me of Arthur. The library didn't have this book, so it was likely Arthur didn't ever read it. I loved this book so we could share it. I closed my eyes and thought of Arthur, wondering if he was thinking of me. If anything, he was probably masturbating, which was very flattering. I loved Arthur. If all I had to do was not sleep with him for a few months, that would be fine, as long as it didn't affect our relationship, I'd be happy. Happier than I've ever been.

But still. With Shaun, I was afraid Maxson wouldn't accept him. We weren't married so he didn't have to. But if we were married...

Whoa. Slow down Storm. You've got a good thing going on here with Arthur. Let's not push it until you're both ready. We've got the Brotherhood Ball to be looking forward to now.

Maybe by then...

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