Chapter 1

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(A.N) So yeah. I'm trying this again. If you are here for my Fantasy!tododeku story, that will be up shortly. A disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story, they belong to Kohei Horikoshi. But the plot is all my own. This story won't really go with the plot, but it will some. Some facts may not be 100% accurate but it's my story so yeah. Thanks!

This is a soulmate AU. When you see your soulmate, everything around you changes, you can see. In this world you can only see black and white, a bland world devoid of color. Until you meet your soulmate. Color will fill your vision and everything will change! Right?

Izuku's Pov (9 years ago)
"Mommy, Mommy! I'm so exited to find out my quirk!" I exclaim as I find the proper way to put on my shoes.
I am 5 years old. My quirk hasn't developed and my mom was growing worried that it never would.
"Well dear, we will go to the doctor to find out what amazing quirk you will have!" She expected me to have something similar to hers or my fathers, but little did she know she was ever so wrong.

We arrived at the office to get me checked for any signs of a developing quirk.
My mom goes and check me in as I sit and wait in the waiting room, watching whatever cartoon was playing on the small tv in the corner. I looked around the small room, seeing a two couches and some chairs. An old-styled tv was placed in the corner of the room playing a cartoon on channel 204.
My mom came up beside after I was checked in and sat next to me.
I slowly grew more and more exited for getting to find out what quirk I would have. Maybe something cool like fire from my dad, or maybe the awesome strength of All Might! or little explosions like Kacchan!
I'd love to be more like Kacchan, since he was amazing and-
"Izuku Midoriya?"
My thoughts were cut off as I realized I was mumbling. I looked up to the entrance of room to see a nurse waiting for me. She was who called my name.
I smiled and jumped up, tugging my mom's shirt to hurry.

"Well Midoriya it appears you have signs of a quirk that isn't developing. We can look more into why this is, but I can tell what the quirk is."
My eyes lit up. A quirk! My mother even looked exited by this.
"What is it doctor?" Mom asked.
"Well it's called Hyper Time. You can basically move so quickly that time seems to slow around you. Now this isn't manipulating time, just, well, moving around it." The doctor smiled at me once he saw the overly exited look on my face.
But little did I know, this quirk comes with consequences.

It's been 3 months since I've been diagnosed with my quirk, and I've finally figured out how to control it!
I run up to my mom, using my quirk of course, and stop right beside her on the couch. I've managed to cross the only in exactly 1 second before! She smiles at me and I smile back, then averting my eyes to the tv.
Something is off.
I can't really tell what's going on.
"Mommy, what's wrong the the tv?" I ask, and she looks at me, confused.
"What do you mean Izu honey?"
"It doesn't make sense. It's looks all funny and stuff."

We went to the eye doctor a few days later.

I have a condition that my quirk caused. I'll go blind one day if I continue to use my quirk, a side effect of cheating time.

My mom froze.
I didn't quite understand what was so bad, I just couldn't really use my quirk, that no big deal. Right?

3 years later
I'm 8, and at school I am registered as quirkless. I now wear thick lensed glasses, and I practice my quirk on my own, when mom isn't around.
She hates me using my quirk because of my health condition. I've recently also found when I use my quirk it makes me feel weak, sickly almost.
Kacchan bullies me still, for being a worthless, quirkless, stupid, Deku.
Maybe I just am?

2 years later
I am now 10. I basically take care of myself, since my mom has grown ill. It isn't anything terminal, just her health condition that has come with her age.
She hates me using my quirk.
My vision has physical condition has grown worse.
But my mom doesn't know.
Kacchan beats me up everyday.
My mom thinks we're friends.
I have forgotten what's it's like to have real friends.
And I fall.
I got lost in my thoughts once again. Of course I did. Stupid me.
I look down at my hands and see my hands are bleeding. Red trickling down my palms.
It's pretty if I'm going to be honest, aside from the pain.
I sigh and stand up, adjusting my glasses on my nose, and look up, finding myself face to face with Kacchan.
"O-oh! K-Kacchan!" I manage to stutter. He rolls his eyes.
"Deku," he says, his voice laced with venom.
My eyes widen. He grabs me by the collar of my shirt.
It's the weekend and I really don't feel like messing with this today.
Until he punches me across the face.
And again.
Then once more.
No. Stop. I don't want this. I'm done.
I use my quirk and release from his grasp, walk behind him, and slam him over my shoulder.
It isn't that hard when there is no resistance.
I release my quirk and look behind me to see a bloodied up Kacchan.
I smile.
His blood is pretty.
I walk up to him and smile, "don't touch me please," I say, and walk off.
I could see terror in his eyes.
I was happy.
I am happy.
But it won't last long.

A.N oh ok that was fun. So ok the next chapter will be Shoto's back story (prob released soon) and then the story will begin. Thanks for reading!!

hiya! future author-chan here! i just wanted to say the formatting and style does change within the next few chapters, still getting used to the new app haha

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