Chapter 5

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A.N before I begin this new chapter I would like to give a big thanks to my friends for helping me with this plot line and future chapters in this story. Love you guys!

Shoto's POV

The boy moves closer to me, seeming unknowing go his actions. He looks at me and then everything changes. I can see like I've never seen before. People have described color to me but I never expected this.

I can't find way to look away from the boy, his dark green hair, half shaved, with those gray-green eyes. His eyes looked so dull, yet so alive at the same time. He wields a cane and is wearing a button up shirt with black pants. That's when it hits me, well, when two things hit me actually.

The mystery boy runs into me, and bounces back, wide-eyed. He was blind.

"I-I'm so sorry! I couldn't sense you at all!" He stammered over his words as he spoke.

I stood up and made sure to crush a few leaves as I walked, "Its no problem."

He looks up, in the general direction of me and gently smiles, quite possibly the sweetest smile i've ever seen.

I find my lips curling upwards, and speaking with a mind of its own, "Todoroki," I say, and he cocks his head at me. "My name is Shoto Todoroki."

Izuku's POV

"My name is Shoto Todoroki"

I smile at the name, along with the beautiful voice. If I had to describe it then i'd say think of syrup flowing down a stack of pancakes, yeah.

"Izuku Midoriya," I say in response. We stay there for a minuet before speaking again, and I'm the first to speak up again, "if you don't mind my asking, what do you look like?*
I have a feeling we will be speaking again."

I can feel him shift, and then he speaks, "Well, I have semi-medium length hair, the right side is white, and he left black, but it used to be red. I have a gray eye on my red side, with a blue on my white. I also have a scar over my left eye, but it doesn't affect my vision or anything."

I nod, then smile, "You seem lovely Todoroki. May I make an assumption about you?"

"Go ahead."

"Well, you have have a rough life. You are running from something. You don't live where you used to, in fact you live here, in the streets."

I could feel him move, and then sigh, "you hit the target."

I smile. "Todoroki can I make an offer with you?"

He seems to think for a while, "What kind of offer? I don't even know you."

I nod, "That's fair. But... I can help with your problems, we can help with your problems," I lean into his ear, "Join the league of Villains."

Shoto's POV

"W-what?" he had a smile on his face.

"If you don't want to I can't control that, but I think you should consider." He says.

Why shouldn't I join? I have nothing else. Nothing. But... Villain? No.

He seems to sense me shifting, and he frowns. I feel bad. His smile was so adorable and.. NO. Not a villain.

"Well, I can't control what you do. Good-bye Todo-kun. If you change your mind you will know where to find me."

He turns away and begins to walk away. So I do what any sensible person would do. I grab his hand.

He turns to me and times seems to stop. I stare into his dull eyes and I feel cold falling onto my skin. He could feel it to.

We look up and I see snow beginning to fall. I smile. It surrounds us like a blanket, and the blossoms of cherry blossoms fall with the wind.*' My hand still on his I make eye contact, even is he can't.

"I will join you."

I'm going to regret this.

A.N ew short chapter sorry. Just wanted to get this chapter out :) and btw Midoriya doesn't see the color (duh) so Todoroki just didn't mention anything

*=I don't know how blind people act when it comes to that sort of thing. sorry.

*'=I don't know the season for snow in Japan. sorry.

Hope you liked!

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