Chapter 6

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Todoroki's POV
"I'll join you."

What have I done? I can't be a villain! This is too much for me.

But the Grin on his face...

He looked... happy...

He begins to walk away though, more peppy. He sensed my hesitation and turns around, "come on Todo-kun, let's meet your new family."

I hesitate at first, and then thoughts of my past run through my mind. Thoughts of my mother, my missing brother, the fact my siblings are gone, and him.


I take a step forward, then then it's fuzzy. I know my feet are moving, I can feel a smile tug at the corners of my lips, and then there we are, in an ally way.

How did we get here? How many times had Midoriya walked here?

He turns to me before walking any further, in the middle of the ally, "So just a heads up, they don't know you're here. And also, Shigi will seem super intense at first, but you get used to it."

He smiled, his gray-green eyes almost shining. "Uh- yeah, okay," is all I could say, just staring into his distant eyes.

And only then did I realize my surroundings. It was cold outside today, the snow still falling. It was all tangled in Midoriya's hair. The ally was dimly lit, but still the light sparkling against his pale skin.

He was beautiful.

And then we started waking again, and I remember he couldn't see me. He would never see me, and man, that sucked.

Izuku's POV

I continue to walk, and I feel Todoroki behind me. I make my way to the entrance of our home in the back of the ally, but make an extra turn.

You can't see it until you look close.

I open the door and walk in, "I found a new one!" I call, then turn around to Todoroki and motion for him to come in, hoping he can see me.

I walk in and hear him following, and then I sense the other have gathered around.

"Everyone, I would like you to meet Todoroki Shoto!"

Todoroki walked in behind me and coughed, "actually, just call me Shoto. I don't want to carry the name of my father any longer, never again."

Someone in the room stiffened. I don't know who it was, either Shigi or Dabi. That makes no sense.

I smile and Shoto's choice. Then I hear laughter.

I turn my head and I tell it's Dabi. He's, laughing...

"No. Damn. Way." Is all he could say in between laughs. And then Shoto seemed to change the way he was standing.

What am I missing?

Shoto's POV

I walk in soon after Midoriya and take in my surroundings. We are in a broken down bar, a small couch is in the main area with a chair and an old-styled TV. The bar is on the other wall, glasses and assorted alcohols line the wall behind the island.

I look back and see the people in the room. One has blue hair and blood red

I hear laughter. I look up to see a man it's scars everywhere and black hair is laughing at me.

"No. Damn. Way." He says in between laughter.

Time slows down. I stop.

No. It can't be.



I can't bring myself to say it aloud. Everyone else in the room seems to disappear.

The man looks just like him, aside from the scars.

It is him...

"Touya?" Is all I can say, and he just nods.

It is him. I've found him. He told me, and it happened.


I can feel the warmth of the fire licking at my skin. It's blue heat begging to go further. My brother is walking away, not bothering to even look at Father.

As he passes me, He says one simple thing, "if you want to find me, you'll know where I am."

Flashback end

I've found him. I've found Brother.

I can feel tears forming in my eyes, but I refuse to allow them to fall. I'm one of them now, and I can't show weakness.

I walk up to him and look up at him, "you've decided to join our family."

It wasn't a question, nor a statement, somewhere in between, so I just nod. My arms find themselves wrapping around Touya's waist, and his returning the gesture. We are family once again.

A.N I am sorry for the short chapter again and that I haven't Posted in forever. School has been hard, and my mental health hasn't been nice to me lately. I'm now on Thanksgiving break so I should get a few chapters out. Thanks for reading!

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