Chapter 8

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(A.N) so it has been a year since I have updated this story, I am really, really sorry. I have improved my writing a lot and I am ready to continue this story. My mental health has been very poor lately, especially since my sister passed away, but I am ready to write again. First though, I would like to clear a few things up!
Todoroki's siblings are dead, I kept forgetting that.
I was younger when I wrote the first chapters of this story, from here on out they were be getting darker and more graphic. Be warned.
Thank all of you for reading this!!

Shoto's POV
After my talk with Brother I decided to go speak with Midoriya. I walked the halls of the old abandoned bar and soon found where there were doors, about eight of them. Each one had a name etched into it, whether it be with a marker or with a knife's carving. Soon I did find Midoriya's, it was quite obvious with the slanted messy carving, but eligible nonetheless.

I brought my fist to the door and I knocked, hesitating at first. Not even a moment later the door swung open and a cheery-faced Midoryia was face-to-face with me. And.. oh my god Midoryia was shirtless.

Honestly I wouldn't even think how toned he was just by looking at him but damn he was good looking under that clothing. He had a very toned body, and was very, very good looking.

The greenette brought me out of my trance, "ah Shochan! how may I help you?"

Sho..chan? interesting nickname, I like it.

"I- uhm.. where do I sleep..?" god I never stutter, what is wrong with me? a small crush like this shouldn't make me act this way. and my god I just met the boy today! what is wrong with me?

Izuku's POV

He stammers over his words. Cute. I step back and allow him to enter my room, "well, we have some spare rooms, for cases such as this."

He doesn't say anything, but I have a feeling he was nodding instead of speaking. I turn to face him again, "is everything okay Shochan?"

I hear a heavy and breathy sigh. I purse my lips and then go over to my small bed and sit down, patting the empty space next to me.

He freezes for a moment before shutting the door and walking over next to me, sitting down.

I rest a hand on his thigh and sigh, "what's going on?"

I don't know why exactly but I feel like something is really off about Shochan, but I can't quite place a finger on it. He is silent for a moment before he just breaks down. He is.. crying?

"I can't do this Midoriya, I can't be a villain, I just-" he chokes up on his sobs, "I was supposed to be a hero.."

I have quite honestly never wanted to be able to see more in my life than at this exact moment. I hesitated before pulling him into an embrace and he hugged me back.

"I was supposed to be a hero, I was supposed to save people.."

I take in a deep breath, "Shochan, I was going to be a hero too, until one told me I could never do it.. he broke my dreams and gave up on my because I can't see. Sho do you know what we do here."

He shook his head against my chest, "we eliminate those who are false hero's, those who do it for the fame and for the money. Shochan we are hero's, more than those fools ever will be."

I spoke strongly, with a false confidence. I felt a tear run down my face, and I could tell Shoto was calming down, so I spoke again. "My mother wanted nothing more than for me to become a hero, and when my quirk developed she was ecstatic. That is until the side effects broke in, and I began loosing my eyes sight. Then, once she passed on I decided to use my quirk in the shadows, and now I am here."

I guess know it was his turn to speak,
"You know, my dad abused me, he drove my siblings out of the house, one of them ended up here and the other two died together in the woods by a pack of wolves. But I stayed, and I got beat, and raped, over and over. He trained me to be a hero, to beat All Might because he never could. My father is Endeavor.."

I held him, and he held me, and we both cried. I hadn't cried this hard in a long time, but it felt good. I wished I could see Shoto's face, to hold him and tell him it would be okay. To look into his eyes. But I couldn't and I would never be able to.

"I think I made the right choice Izuku, I really do.."

And not too much later we both fell asleep in each others arms with tear stained faces.

(A.N) I know it's short but it's a start! thank you so much for reading, see ya in the next chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2020 ⏰

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