Chapter 3

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A.N so the last two chapters kind of sucked. I know. The formatting also sucked so sorry about that too. But thy should be better from here on out lol, sorry. Oh I just realized that some some of the time changes don't make sense. Todoroki is a year older than Midoriya, and just pay attention to the ages, sorry lmao.

Shouto's POV (2 years ago)
I'm now 13 years old.

I am running away. Running from everything. Running from Father.

I sit in my room, and zip my back pack up. It's 12AM. I have time to run, since Father is asleep. I have training in 3 hours, so I need to make this quick.

I open the window seal ever so quietly and create a gagged, rock like structure to clim down.

I look at what I've created and sigh. Is messy, no thought out into it. If I don't put my hands perfectly, then one of three things will happen. I'll either slip, Fall, and make enough commotion to wake Father and be done for.
I'll cut myself on the ice, fall and be in pain, causing me to not move fast enough.
Or, I'll do it perfectly.

The I sling backpack over my back and climb out the window. I place my foot on a footing on the ice. Then my next foot.

But the ice didn't go out far enough.

I slip.

I fall.

But I use my ice to barely Break my fall and save me. I let out a sigh and touch my left hand to the ice and melt it until there is no evidence ice was ever there.

I would come back to save Brother and Sister.
I would come back and end Father.

He had done something to me. I haven't smiled in a while, I haven't even shown emotion in a while. When was the last time I smiled? When was the last Ike I cared?

Izuku's POV (3 years ago)

As I'm walking home, a villian grabs me. At first I'm confused, and I try to use my quirk, but to no avail. I can't see anything, since Kacchan broke my glasses.

I give up, what's the point?

"I am here!"

My eyes widen, I've been saved!

He saves me and he is about to fly away, but I stop him,
"All Might! Can I be hero, even if I'm blind?"

I shout after him. He turns around to look at me, "well, if I'm being honest, probably not. You need to see in order to attack. I'm sorry young man, but maybe you could become an officer, or a firefighter!"

My whole world was crushed.

A year later

I'm now 12 years old.

Mom is as good as dead, and dad never came back. The doctors told me that mom would be fine, that she would have been better years ago. But here she is, laying in a hospital bed, ok life support, asleep. She has been here for a year now, barely hanging on, and she couldn't live off of life support for much longer.

But then I hear it. That noise. That noise you thought you would only hear in movies.

I'm sitting next to my mom, bling to her about today's activities, even if she couldn't hear me.
And then

Beep beep beep

Beep beep beep

Beep beep



The end of the noise never came. I look up. The electrocardiograph just has a line. A straight line. And with that line comes the never ending noise. The noise you only think you'll hear in movies.

Until you hear it in real life.

I don't know what I did, how I reacted, or what happened. I saw doctors rushing past me, pulling me away fork my mom.

Did I call for them? I don't know.

Inko Midoriya
Mother of one


My mom was gone. The one who cared for me was gone. They were all just-


A week later

I live by myself now, in the apartment me and my mom once shared.

I have a job at the market that just barely gets me by. I work to stock the items on shelves. It's not hard work, but it also doesn't pay well.

Work had just ended and I was walking home. I adjusted my glasses on my nose and blinked, trying to somewhat clear my vision. Glasses didn't help much anymore, I can still make out certain things, but that only makes work harder.

I see someone, and squint to try and see better. I stop and they continue coming towards me.

He is fairly tall, around 5'9 I'd say. Form what I can tell he seems to be an adult. No. As he gets closer I realise he is closer to being 18.

He comes to a stop in front of me, "Hello there. You seem to have troubles, Izuku Midoriya."

My eyes widen, "h-how do you know my name?" I ask.

He seems to smile, "well we have had our eyes on you for a while Mr Midoriya. You've been let down by hero's. You've lost everything. But now is you're chance to get revenge!"

I stand there. G-get revenge? What does he mean. I stand there for a moment, and then look up at him, "how?"

"Well by joining us of course. We are the League if Villains! We can take you in, make you one of us. You can get revenge on everyone who has wronged you."

This- this is an offer to good to pass up! How did I not think of this before? I can become i villain.

"I'm in."

We shake hands, him only using 4 fingers, and I go home, his number now in my phone.

I'll be joining him in a week.

Shouto's POV

I run. I run faster than I've ever run before.

Soon I find myself in an ally way. It's late, and I haven't slept in a long time.

I pull a blanket out of my bag and lay down on an old bench. I use my bag as a pillow and go to sleep.

It's training time, but I'm not getting up. The first time I haven't trained in years. It feels amazing.

A.N I need to focus more on Todoroki, I know. But I mean I just don't know what to do, since I prefer to write in Midoriya's POV. Anyways hope you enjoyed!

*i didn't know the exact dates for her, sorry

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