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In Jame's room around 8pm
"I was walking around the lake to see if I could find my wheel to my skate board when it fell off the other day and all of a sudden I see it glowing in the fog. when I went to go pick it up someone else picked it up." Jame said.

"Was this person just a shadowy figure?" Peggy said with a worried voice.
"Yes, yes! She was barefoot too. When I took another step she looked just like you Peggy."
"WHAT-! How did she look like me Jame I'm not some weird child with pigtails playing in the fog like a baboon!" Peggy responded furiously and terrified.
At that moment their mom came in because she heard a ruckus in the room.
"What the hell is going on in here?! Why are you screaming?!"
" Mom Jame and I saw these children-" Jame quickly put his hand over Peggy's mouth.
"Haha what she was saying was we saw these children-" stuttering "W-we saw these children walking their cute new puppy abound the park today and now Peggy really wants one." As he winked at Peggy.
"Yeah mom I really want a puppy because they are really cute a fluffy."
"Why in the world would you need a puppy Peggy? You have everything you need right here." Her mom proclaimed
"Oh really, mom then where is our dad in all of this! If I had everything I need then why is the fucker out there wasting our God damn money on beer! IF I HAD EVERYTHING THEN WHERE IS HE!" Peggy yelled crying.
WACK! Here mom just struck Peggy across the face and Peggy fell on the floor sobbing.
Peggy ran off to her room and slammed the door shut.
"What did I do to deserve this Jame it's not my fault you dad is a damn drunk. I tried to talk him out of it when you were young."
In a caring way while hugging her Jame said " I know mom but there isn't anything you can do about it. I'm sorry"
"I tried to stop him before he killed her" she mumbled under her breathe."
"What did you say mom" Jame said scared
"Nothing sweetie go to bed. I love you always remember that ok" she said with a sad grin on her face.
" I love you too mom and don't you forget that."
The next day around 3 Am (also known as the dead hour) Peggy felt a tug at her covers. When she sat up she didn't see anything. When she felt it again she said
"Haha Jame leave me alone I'm trying to sleep."
When she felt a tug a third time she sat up but the covers were thrown off of her. she tried to scream but it felt like someone was taking out all of the air and all of a sudden she couldn't breathe.
"You should have been the one to die not me. Now it's your turn, come on Peggy come play with me Peggy, forever and ever and ever." a demonic voice said"
All of a sudden Peggy gets up but instantly falls to the floor with a big BANG! And instantly passes out

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