March 5 1996 continued

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I hope you enjoyed the first part I know I had fun writing it I appreciate all of the support. Thank you

It looked like a small little girl with pigtails, a dress, and was barefoot. The shadow suddenly waved like she was calling Peggy over to play.However the little girl's head was down, and when she looked up her eyes were like glowing diamonds. All of a sudden Peggy took a step forward. still waving at Peggy the figure called to her....

"Peggy-Peggy over here come play with me and the others"

"W-what others" Peggy said in fear.

Right then and there two other shadowy figures stepped out of the fog. One was a boy in his Sunday clothes but also barefoot. The other was a girl who looked like she was in her school clothes barefoot as well. They too had glowing eyes just like the first little girl. All at once they said

"Peggy- Peggy come play with us Peggy".

Then without thinking Peggy took a few more steps towards them but remembered that Ryan and Judy warned her to never go on the other side of the lake. So in what seemed like one big blurry motion Peggy turned around and ran home. The figure in the middle (the first girl with the pigtails) said with a very dark scratchy tone

"Wait don't go, don't you want to play with us".

As Peggy reached the front door of her house she couldn't breath. She was terrified of what she just saw and had to tell someone -they won't believe me they will just say I have a big imagination- she thought to herself. When she entered the house her mother was popping some popcorn for a scary movie marathon.

"Do you want to watch this marathon with me Peg I know how u like scary movies " said her mom with hope they could have a chance to bond.

"No thanks mom I'm really tired I think I will go to bed" Peggy replied shaking

"Ok good night sweetie if you change your mind I will still be here" she said hoping Peggy would change her mind.

And as if nothing happened Peggy crawled into bed and tried to fall asleep.

March 8th, 1996
It's been a few days since Peggy has seen the shadowy figures. She tried to tell her mom about the figures but she said it was just a dream. At this point Peggy was getting aggravated and she didn't know what to do. At that point she turned to her brother Jame, and surprisingly he seemed to listen to her.

"Jame please you have to believe me you are the only one I can turn to now. Mom won't listen to me and dad gets to drunk off his ass to even care about us, please you have to listen."

" Peggy calm down I believe you."

No you have to listen to me we can't just shrug this off... wait what did you say?"

"Yes I believe you because I have seen them too".

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