credit card activity packet PAIN

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you are in class doing the credit card pakit. you start crying because you hate credit cards and your sad life. the hot boy sitting next to you looks over at you. he says "want to know something about credit cards? when i was 16, i put 2 whole credit cards up my ass" he says

"well how old are you now?" you ask

"16" he says. he introduces hymnself as garren lake. you immediately get wet and moist and soggy pants. you look away and blush and uwu. when you look back at him, he has two credit cards in his hands. theyre covered in something brown and chuncky. "is that poop?' you ask

"no its frosting" he replies, licking one of them seductively. he holds out the other one and you take it. you grab it and lick it. it turns out its actually his very own shit. you gasp and barf. "garren i thought this was chocloate frosting!" you yell

" i dont eat chocolate bayibeyeegriller because im a werewolf" he says and then he bites your head off and you die

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