Chapter Two

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You were on your way back to your room until you ran into Comte.

"Hey, Comte."  You stated bluntly.

"Well, hello, Y/n."  He smiled.  "Why did Leonardo look sad when you walked off?"  His smile fading.  You didn't know that Leo was sad...

"He was sad?"  You asked quietly.  He nodded.

"That's why he sighed.  Either way, I should probably head back to my office.  I have to sort some things out."

"Alright.  Hope you enjoy doing that then."  You grinned.  He chuckled.

"Will do."  He strode away.  As you continued walking to your room, you thought about how you made Leo sad.  Why would he be sad about something I did?  You had to make it up somehow.  You changed your direction into the kitchen.  What should I make him?  A cake?  No...  Lunch?  No...  A pie?  Yes!  You decided to make a dutch-apple pie.  You were the best at making them.  You walked quickly to the kitchen.

"Y/n?  What are you doing here?"  You heard Sebastian's voice ask.

"Can I make a pie?"  You asked quickly.

"What kind?"  He asked.

"Dutch-apple."  You looked at Sebastian.  He had all of the ingredients ready.  "How-"

"Practice."  He interrupted.

"Well thanks, I'll take it from here."  You smiled at him.

"You're welcome.  Just don't burn the manor down."  He stated.

"Don't worry.  I know how to cook...  Not really..."  You said the last part under your breath as he walked off.  You started mixing the ingredients.  You heard footsteps behind you.  You quickly turned around to a pair of beautiful golden eyes.

"Cara mia?  What are you doing?"  Leonardo asked.

"Oh, nothing."  You looked away.

"Clearly."  He didn't buy your nonsense.

"Please just grab what you need and leave!"  You quickly said.

"What if I need you?"  He smirked.

"Well, you have to wait."  You told him.

"Right, I'll be in the library.  You better be there when you're done."  You nodded.  "Ciao, cara mia."  Leo raised his hand in a waving manner.

"Bye."  You waved back and quickly got back to making the pie.  You were finally done and slid it into the oven.  You decided to hang out in the kitchen to keep an eye on the pie.  You looked in the oven.  The crust was a golden brown.  Similar to Leo's eyes-  you shook your head.  You can't think like that about someone that doesn't like you back.  You slid a potholder on your hand and carefully got the pie out of the oven and placed it on another potholder.  The smell of the pie filled the room.  You let it cool a little and cut a slice out of it and placed it on a plate along with a fork.  You left a note for the pie and grabbed the plate and headed to the library.  You opened the door to Leo and Issac working on something.

"Oh, there you are, cara mia."  Golden eyes met yours.  "What do you have?"  He smiled.

"A pie...  It's a dutch apple pie...  I didn't know what kind of pie you liked so I just made one..."  His smile grew wider.

"It's perfect.  But why did you make it?"  He said taking the plate out of your hands.

"Well, Comte said you were sad when I walked off like that earlier and I wanted to make it up to you."  You explained as he took a bite of the pie.  He had a face of satisfaction.

"Bring the rest of the pie.  I want it all."  You nodded and went to grab the rest of the pie along with another plate and fork for Issac.

"You don't mind sharing, right?  I want to give Issac a slice so he doesn't have to sit through watching you devour a pie."  You said.

"Of course not.  You just have to make pies more often."

"Alright."  You agreed, cutting a slice of cake for Issac.  "Here."  You smiled while handing a plate to Issac.

"Thanks."  He said, taking a bite out of the pie.  "Oh, my..."

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