Chapter Ten

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Your heart sped up thinking about what happened the day before in the bathtub.  You loved him but never thought he would have felt the same way.

"You alright Y/n?"  Comte asked.  It startled you because you didn't even notice him.

"Oh, um yeah."  You said.

"Are you sure?"  He asked again.  "Your face is red."  He frowned.

"Yeah, I'm fine."  You nodded.  "It's just hot."

"Not really."  He grinned.  "How was Leonardo yesterday?"  He saw right through your excuse.

"Alright..."  You mumbled.

"You do know you are going to leave in less than a month, right?"  He reminded you.

"Would I be allowed to stay longer?  Even if I had to become a vampire?"  You glanced over.

"You actually want to do that for Leonardo?"  You nodded.  He smiled.  "Right, I'll think about it."  Then he was gone again.  As long as he doesn't tell Leo that, then you would be fine.  But Leo kind of knew already.  Comte could easily tell Leo something and Leo would believe it.  It worries you that you have to leave Leo but you hope Comte would let you stay.  You love Leo too much to leave him.  He made you smile more than anyone else ever has.  He is your entire world now.  You wouldn't have it any other way.  As long as you get to stay, you don't care if you're a vampire or not, but if it's for Leo, you would do anything and everything to stay with him.

Ikemen Vampire;  Leonardo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now