Chapter Three

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"Oh my..."  Issac began.  "This is the best pie I have ever tasted!"

"Right?  She needs to make pies all the time!"  Leo agreed quickly.  "Gives me another reason to love her-  I mean nothing!"  Leo's face turned bright red, as well as yours.

"Y-you do..?"  You stuttered.

"Yeah, he do-."  Issac was interrupted.

"No!  I don't!  Don't listen to him!"  Leo yelled.

"It doesn't matter.  If you don't tell someone how you feel, then they will never know."  You gently smiled, which seems to calm Leo down.

"Whatever, we will talk about it later..."  Leo mumbled.  "Read a book or something, seems like this dumb thing needs a lot of work..."  Leo explained and you nodded.  The library was huge!  You could find anything here!  You looked through the books and picked your favorites.  You ended up with three books, debating over which one you should read first.  You decided on the third one;  a romance book.  You didn't know why you chose that book, but maybe it could help you with your feelings towards Leo.  You felt something different about him that just pulled you to him.  You wanted to be with him all the time.  You just didn't know why.

"Cara mia, we're almost done."  Leo started.  "You can stay here if you would like.  I had plans though..."  You looked up from the book.

"Alright.  What were you planning?"  You asked, not expecting an answer.

"I was going to take you somewhere."  He smiled.

"Okay?"  You said in a confused tone.  You went back to reading your book.  Moments passed and Leo and Issac were finally finished with their project.

"Come on, cara mia.  Are you ready to go?"  You looked up from your book and nodded.  You gently placed it down on the wooden coffee table in front of you.  You got up and fixed your clothes.  Leo started walking off so you gave Issac a quick wave and chased after Leo.

"Wait up!"  You yelled after Leo, trying to catch your breath.

"Not my fault you're slow."  He smirked.  You growled at him and earned a low chuckle.  He slowed down a little bit.  Next thing you knew, you were walking outside with Leo by your side.  The sun was still up as the two of you walked through town.  You saw a gorgeous field out in the distance.  Leo seemed to notice you staring off at the field.

"Leo, where are we going?"  You asked.

"You already saw it."

"The field?"  He nodded.

"It has the best view of the stars at night."  He glanced back down at you.  "Thought you might like it."  His large, gloved hands were in his pockets as he walked with you to the field.  As it got closer, you walked faster and ended up running to the field.  "Cara mia!"  Leo started chasing after you.  You ran faster while laughing.  "Get back here!"  He yelled after you.  Your legs were starting to hurt, causing you to slow down.  "Cara mia, are you trying to get yourself into trouble?"

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